Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Liquidity Premium

2. Understanding Bond Prices

3. Exploring Liquidity in the Bond Market

4. Defining Liquidity Premium

5. Factors Influencing Liquidity Premium

6. Impact of Liquidity Premium on Bond Prices

7. Strategies for Managing Liquidity Premium

8. Real-world Examples of Liquidity Premium

9. Importance of Liquidity Premium in Bond Investing

1. Introduction to Liquidity Premium

Liquidity on Premium

Liquidity premium is a fundamental concept in the world of finance, particularly in the context of bond markets. It represents the additional return that investors demand for holding less liquid assets, such as bonds, compared to more liquid alternatives. In this section, we'll delve into the intricacies of liquidity premium, exploring its significance, determinants, and impact on bond prices.

1. The Nature of Liquidity Premium

Liquidity premium arises from the trade-off between risk and liquidity. Investors recognize that less liquid assets come with higher risks, including the possibility of being unable to sell the asset quickly without incurring substantial transaction costs. As a result, they demand compensation in the form of a premium to hold such assets.

From a behavioral perspective, liquidity premium reflects investors' aversion to uncertainty. When faced with the choice between a highly liquid government bond and a less liquid corporate bond, investors will typically require a higher yield on the latter due to the perceived risk associated with potential illiquidity.

2. Determinants of Liquidity Premium

Several factors influence the magnitude of liquidity premium:

A. Market Conditions: During times of financial stress (e.g., economic crises or market panics), liquidity tends to dry up. Investors become hesitant to trade, leading to wider bid-ask spreads and reduced liquidity. Consequently, liquidity premiums rise.

B. Issuer-Specific Factors: The creditworthiness of the bond issuer plays a crucial role. High-quality issuers (such as governments) generally issue more liquid bonds, while riskier issuers (e.g., corporations with lower credit ratings) offer less liquid bonds. Investors demand a premium for holding bonds from riskier entities.

C. Maturity: Longer-maturity bonds are typically less liquid than shorter-maturity ones. Investors may require a higher yield to compensate for the extended holding period and the associated liquidity risk.

D. Coupon Frequency: Bonds with infrequent coupon payments (e.g., zero-coupon bonds) are less attractive to investors seeking regular income. Consequently, these bonds tend to have higher liquidity premiums.

E. market depth: The depth of the bond market matters. A deep and active market provides better liquidity, reducing the premium demanded by investors.

3. Impact on Bond Prices

Liquidity premium directly affects bond prices. Consider two bonds with identical cash flows but different liquidity profiles: Bond A is highly liquid (traded frequently with narrow spreads), while Bond B is illiquid (traded infrequently with wider spreads).

- Bond A's price will be higher because investors are willing to accept a lower yield (lower premium) due to its liquidity.

- Bond B's price will be lower because investors demand a higher yield (higher premium) to compensate for the illiquidity risk.

4. Examples

Let's illustrate with examples:

A. Treasury Bonds: Government bonds (e.g., U.S. Treasuries) are highly liquid due to their low credit risk and active secondary market. Consequently, their liquidity premium is minimal.

B. corporate bonds: Corporate bonds, especially those issued by smaller companies or with longer maturities, tend to have higher liquidity premiums. Investors demand compensation for the risk of holding less liquid corporate debt.

C. emerging Market bonds: bonds from emerging markets often carry substantial liquidity premiums. These markets can experience sudden liquidity shocks, impacting bond prices significantly.

In summary, liquidity premium is a critical factor in bond valuation. Investors must carefully assess the trade-offs between yield and liquidity when constructing their portfolios. understanding liquidity premium helps investors make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of fixed-income markets.

Remember, the next time you evaluate a bond investment, consider not only its yield but also the hidden cost of liquidity.

2. Understanding Bond Prices

Understanding bond prices is crucial for investors looking to make informed decisions in the financial market. Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments, municipalities, and corporations to raise capital. The price of a bond is determined by various factors, including interest rates, credit ratings, and market demand.

1. Interest Rates: Bond prices have an inverse relationship with interest rates. When interest rates rise, newly issued bonds offer higher yields, making existing bonds with lower yields less attractive. As a result, the prices of existing bonds decrease. Conversely, when interest rates decline, existing bonds with higher yields become more desirable, leading to an increase in bond prices.

2. credit ratings: Credit ratings assigned by rating agencies, such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's, play a significant role in determining bond prices. Bonds with higher credit ratings are considered less risky and, therefore, more valuable. Investors are willing to pay a premium for bonds with higher credit ratings, resulting in higher prices. Conversely, bonds with lower credit ratings may have lower prices due to the increased risk associated with them.

3. market demand: The supply and demand dynamics in the bond market also impact bond prices. If there is high demand for a particular bond, its price may increase. Conversely, if there is low demand, the price may decrease. factors influencing market demand include investor sentiment, economic conditions, and market liquidity.

4. yield-to-maturity: The yield-to-maturity (YTM) is another important factor to consider when understanding bond prices. YTM represents the total return an investor can expect to earn if the bond is held until maturity. Bonds with higher YTM tend to have lower prices, as investors require a higher return to compensate for the increased risk or lower coupon payments.

To illustrate these concepts, let's consider an example. Suppose there is a corporate bond with a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 5%, and a maturity of 10 years. If market interest rates rise to 6%, investors may demand a higher yield, resulting in a decrease in the bond's price. Conversely, if market interest rates decline to 4%, the bond's price may increase as investors find the lower yield attractive.

In summary, understanding bond prices involves considering factors such as interest rates, credit ratings, market demand, and yield-to-maturity. By analyzing these factors, investors can make informed decisions when buying or selling bonds.

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Understanding Bond Prices - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

3. Exploring Liquidity in the Bond Market

Liquidity in Z Bond

Liquidity in the Bond Market

In the section "Exploring Liquidity in the Bond Market" within the blog "Liquidity Premium: What is liquidity premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices?", we delve into the concept of liquidity in the bond market. Liquidity refers to the ease with which a bond can be bought or sold without significantly impacting its price. It plays a crucial role in determining bond prices and investor behavior.

1. Liquidity from an Investor's Perspective:

When investors assess the liquidity of a bond, they consider factors such as trading volume, bid-ask spreads, and market depth. Higher trading volume indicates greater liquidity, as there are more buyers and sellers actively participating in the market. Narrow bid-ask spreads suggest tighter liquidity, meaning the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept is relatively small. Market depth refers to the number of buy and sell orders available at different price levels, indicating the depth of the market and its ability to absorb large trades without significant price impact.

2. Impact on Bond Prices:

Liquidity has a direct impact on bond prices. Bonds with higher liquidity tend to have lower yields, as investors are willing to accept lower returns for the ease of buying or selling the bond when needed. On the other hand, bonds with lower liquidity may have higher yields to compensate investors for the potential difficulty in trading them. This liquidity premium, or the additional yield demanded by investors for less liquid bonds, reflects the perceived risk associated with trading such bonds.

3. Liquidity Risk:

Liquidity risk arises when investors face challenges in buying or selling bonds at desired prices or in desired quantities. This risk is particularly relevant during periods of market stress or when trading in less liquid bonds. Investors may face wider bid-ask spreads, reduced trading volume, and increased price volatility, making it harder to execute trades efficiently. liquidity risk can impact portfolio performance and the ability to manage investment positions effectively.

4. Examples:

Let's consider an example to illustrate the impact of liquidity on bond prices. Suppose there are two bonds with similar credit ratings and maturities, but one has higher liquidity than the other. Investors seeking to buy or sell the more liquid bond will likely find it easier to execute trades at competitive prices, resulting in tighter bid-ask spreads. Conversely, the less liquid bond may experience wider bid-ask spreads, making it costlier for investors to trade. This difference in liquidity can lead to variations in bond prices and yields.

In summary, exploring liquidity in the bond market is crucial for understanding how it affects bond prices and investor behavior. Factors such as trading volume, bid-ask spreads, and market depth play a significant role in determining a bond's liquidity. The liquidity premium reflects the additional yield demanded by investors for less liquid bonds. Liquidity risk can impact portfolio performance during periods of market stress.

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Exploring Liquidity in the Bond Market - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

4. Defining Liquidity Premium

Liquidity on Premium

Liquidity premium is a concept that plays a crucial role in understanding bond prices. It refers to the additional return that investors demand for holding a less liquid bond compared to a more liquid one. In other words, it represents the compensation investors require for taking on the risk associated with the lack of marketability and ease of trading of a particular bond.

1. Liquidity Risk: One of the key factors contributing to the liquidity premium is liquidity risk. Bonds that are less liquid are generally considered riskier because they may be harder to sell or trade quickly without incurring significant transaction costs. Investors demand a higher return to compensate for this risk.

2. Market Conditions: The liquidity premium can vary depending on market conditions. During periods of market stress or economic uncertainty, investors tend to seek more liquid investments, leading to a higher liquidity premium. Conversely, in stable market conditions, the liquidity premium may be relatively lower.

3. credit quality: The credit quality of a bond also influences the liquidity premium. Bonds with lower credit ratings or higher default risk are generally less liquid and, therefore, command a higher liquidity premium. This is because investors require a higher return to compensate for the increased risk associated with holding such bonds.

4. time horizon: The time horizon of an investment can impact the liquidity premium. Longer-term bonds typically have higher liquidity premiums compared to shorter-term bonds. This is because longer-term bonds are generally less liquid and may have limited secondary market trading.

5. Examples: To illustrate the concept, let's consider two hypothetical bonds with similar characteristics, except for their liquidity. Bond A is highly liquid, easily tradable, and has a tight bid-ask spread. Bond B, on the other hand, is less liquid, with limited trading activity and a wider bid-ask spread. Investors would demand a higher yield or price discount for Bond B to compensate for its lower liquidity, resulting in a higher liquidity premium.

In summary, the liquidity premium is an important factor to consider when analyzing bond prices. It represents the additional return investors require for holding less liquid bonds. Factors such as liquidity risk, market conditions, credit quality, and time horizon all contribute to the determination of the liquidity premium. By understanding this concept, investors can make more informed decisions when evaluating bond investments.

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Defining Liquidity Premium - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

5. Factors Influencing Liquidity Premium

Influencing Liquidity

Factors Influencing Liquidity

Liquidity on Premium

Liquidity premium refers to the additional return that investors demand for holding an asset that is less liquid compared to other similar assets. It plays a crucial role in determining bond prices and is influenced by various factors. In this section, we will explore the key factors that influence liquidity premium.

1. market conditions: The overall market conditions have a significant impact on liquidity premium. During periods of economic uncertainty or financial instability, investors tend to seek more liquid assets, leading to higher liquidity premiums. Conversely, in stable and robust market conditions, liquidity premiums may be relatively lower.

2. supply and Demand dynamics: The supply and demand dynamics of a particular bond also affect its liquidity premium. If there is a high demand for a bond with limited supply, the liquidity premium may be lower. On the other hand, if the supply exceeds the demand, the liquidity premium may increase.

3. Credit Quality: The credit quality of a bond issuer plays a crucial role in determining its liquidity premium. Bonds issued by entities with higher credit ratings are generally considered less risky and, therefore, tend to have lower liquidity premiums. Conversely, bonds with lower credit ratings may have higher liquidity premiums to compensate investors for the increased risk.

4. Maturity: The maturity of a bond influences its liquidity premium. Generally, longer-term bonds tend to have higher liquidity premiums compared to shorter-term bonds. This is because longer-term bonds are exposed to a higher degree of interest rate risk and may be less liquid in the secondary market.

5. trading volume: The trading volume of a bond is another factor that affects liquidity premium. Bonds with higher trading volumes are typically more liquid and may have lower liquidity premiums. Conversely, bonds with lower trading volumes may have higher liquidity premiums due to the potential difficulty in buying or selling them.

6. market perception: Market perception and investor sentiment also impact liquidity premium. If investors perceive a bond to be riskier or less liquid, they may demand a higher liquidity premium. Conversely, positive market sentiment and favorable perceptions of a bond's liquidity may result in lower liquidity premiums.

Example: Let's consider two bonds with similar characteristics, but Bond A has a higher trading volume compared to Bond B. Due to its higher trading volume, Bond A is more liquid, resulting in a lower liquidity premium. On the other hand, Bond B, with lower trading volume, may have a higher liquidity premium to compensate for its lower liquidity.

In summary, liquidity premium is influenced by market conditions, supply and demand dynamics, credit quality, maturity, trading volume, and market perception. Understanding these factors is essential for investors and market participants to assess the liquidity risk associated with bonds and make informed investment decisions.

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Factors Influencing Liquidity Premium - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

6. Impact of Liquidity Premium on Bond Prices

Liquidity on Premium

Premium on Bond

1. What Is Liquidity Premium?

- Definition: Liquidity premium refers to the additional yield or compensation that investors demand for holding less liquid assets, such as certain bonds, compared to highly liquid assets.

- Risk and Reward: Investors recognize that less liquid bonds come with higher risks due to potential difficulties in selling them quickly. As a result, they expect a higher return (yield) to compensate for this risk.

- Market Conditions: The liquidity premium varies based on market conditions. During times of economic uncertainty or financial stress, investors may demand a larger premium for holding less liquid bonds.

2. Factors Influencing Liquidity Premium:

- market liquidity: The overall liquidity of the bond market affects liquidity premiums. In a highly liquid market, investors are more willing to hold less liquid bonds, resulting in lower premiums.

- Issuer-Specific Factors: Bonds issued by financially stable entities (e.g., governments, large corporations) tend to have lower liquidity premiums. Conversely, bonds from smaller or riskier issuers may command higher premiums.

- Maturity: Longer-maturity bonds are generally less liquid because they tie up capital for an extended period. Consequently, they often carry higher liquidity premiums.

- Coupon Rate: Bonds with low coupon rates (relative to prevailing market rates) may have higher liquidity premiums. Investors prefer higher coupon payments to compensate for illiquidity.

3. Impact on Bond Prices:

- Inverse Relationship: Liquidity premiums have an inverse relationship with bond prices. When liquidity premiums rise, bond prices fall, and vice versa.

- Example: Consider two similar bonds—one highly liquid and the other less liquid. If both offer the same yield, investors will prefer the more liquid bond. As demand for the less liquid bond decreases, its price falls, leading to a higher yield (and thus a higher liquidity premium).

- market sentiment: Market sentiment plays a role. During periods of panic or uncertainty, liquidity premiums tend to rise across the board, affecting bond prices negatively.

4. real-World examples:

- Corporate Bonds: Corporate bonds issued by well-established companies often have lower liquidity premiums due to their broad investor base and frequent trading.

- high-yield Bonds: High-yield (junk) bonds typically have higher liquidity premiums because of their riskier nature and less active secondary markets.

- government bonds: Government bonds (e.g., U.S. Treasuries) are highly liquid and usually have minimal liquidity premiums.

5. Investor Behavior and Liquidity Premium:

- risk appetite: Investors' risk appetite influences liquidity premiums. In times of stability, investors may accept lower premiums. However, during crises, they demand higher compensation.

- Flight to Quality: When uncertainty rises, investors often flock to safer assets (e.g., government bonds), reducing liquidity premiums for these bonds.

In summary, liquidity premium impacts bond prices significantly. Investors must carefully assess the trade-off between yield and liquidity when building their portfolios. Understanding liquidity dynamics helps investors make informed decisions and navigate the bond market effectively. Remember, the liquidity premium is not a fixed value—it fluctuates based on market conditions and investor sentiment.

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Impact of Liquidity Premium on Bond Prices - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

7. Strategies for Managing Liquidity Premium

Strategies for Managing Liquidity

Liquidity on Premium

1. Portfolio Diversification:

- Diversification is a fundamental strategy to manage liquidity risk. By spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and maturities, investors can reduce their exposure to any single bond's liquidity risk.

- Example: An investor holds a mix of government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds with varying maturities. If one bond becomes illiquid, the impact on the overall portfolio is minimized.

2. Laddering:

- Laddering involves creating a bond portfolio with staggered maturities. By purchasing bonds that mature at different dates, investors ensure a steady stream of cash flows.

- Example: An investor builds a ladder with bonds maturing in 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. As each bond matures, the proceeds can be reinvested in new bonds, maintaining liquidity.

3. maintaining Adequate cash Reserves:

- Holding sufficient cash or short-term liquid assets provides a buffer during market downturns or unexpected liquidity needs.

- Example: A corporate treasurer ensures the company has enough cash reserves to cover short-term obligations even if bond markets experience disruptions.

4. Using Callable Bonds Wisely:

- Callable bonds allow issuers to redeem them before maturity. Investors should carefully assess the call features and consider the potential impact on liquidity.

- Example: An investor buys a callable municipal bond. If interest rates decline, the issuer may call the bond, affecting liquidity. balancing yield and call risk is essential.

5. Monitoring Market Conditions:

- Regularly assessing market liquidity conditions helps investors make informed decisions. Liquidity can change due to economic events, central bank policies, or geopolitical factors.

- Example: A fixed-income fund manager closely tracks liquidity indicators (bid-ask spreads, trading volumes) to adjust the portfolio as needed.

6. Using exchange-Traded funds (ETFs):

- ETFs provide exposure to a diversified basket of bonds and trade on exchanges. They offer intraday liquidity and can be useful for investors seeking liquidity.

- Example: An investor buys a corporate bond ETF to gain exposure to a broad bond market without dealing with individual bond liquidity.

7. understanding the Yield curve:

- The yield curve reflects the relationship between bond yields and maturities. Investors should consider the liquidity implications of different points on the curve.

- Example: An investor analyzes the yield curve to decide whether to invest in short-term or long-term bonds based on their liquidity needs.

8. Collaborating with Market Makers:

- Market makers facilitate bond trading by providing liquidity. Investors can work with them to execute trades efficiently.

- Example: A pension fund manager communicates with market makers to ensure smooth execution when buying or selling large quantities of bonds.

Remember that managing liquidity premium involves balancing yield, risk, and liquidity. Different investors may prioritize these factors differently based on their investment goals and risk tolerance. By adopting a thoughtful approach, investors can navigate the complex landscape of bond liquidity and enhance their overall portfolio performance.

Feel free to ask if you'd like further elaboration on any of these strategies or need additional examples!

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Strategies for Managing Liquidity Premium - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

8. Real-world Examples of Liquidity Premium

Examples of Liquidity

Liquidity on Premium

In this section, we will delve into various real-world examples that illustrate the concept of liquidity premium and its impact on bond prices. By examining these case studies, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of liquidity premium from different perspectives.

1. Case Study 1: Corporate Bonds

One example of liquidity premium can be observed in the corporate bond market. When a corporate bond is less liquid, meaning there is a limited number of buyers and sellers, investors may demand a higher yield to compensate for the increased risk associated with illiquidity. This higher yield represents the liquidity premium.

2. Case Study 2: Government Bonds

Government bonds also provide interesting insights into liquidity premium. In times of economic uncertainty or market volatility, investors tend to flock to government bonds as a safe haven. This increased demand for highly liquid government bonds can lead to a decrease in their yield, as investors are willing to accept lower returns in exchange for the perceived safety and liquidity.

3. Case Study 3: Emerging Market Bonds

Emerging market bonds present another perspective on liquidity premium. These bonds are often considered less liquid compared to bonds issued by developed economies. As a result, investors may require a higher yield to compensate for the additional risk associated with investing in less liquid markets. This higher yield reflects the liquidity premium attached to emerging market bonds.

4. Case Study 4: High-Yield Bonds

High-yield bonds, also known as junk bonds, offer yet another example of liquidity premium. Due to their higher default risk and lower credit ratings, these bonds are generally less liquid compared to investment-grade bonds. Consequently, investors demand a higher yield to compensate for the increased illiquidity and risk, resulting in a liquidity premium for high-yield bonds.

By examining these case studies, we can see how liquidity premium manifests in different bond markets. It is important to note that the examples provided here are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect current market conditions or specific investment recommendations.

Remember, liquidity premium plays a crucial role in bond pricing, and understanding its implications can help investors make informed decisions when navigating the bond market.

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Real world Examples of Liquidity Premium - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

9. Importance of Liquidity Premium in Bond Investing

Liquidity on Premium

Premium on Bond

In the intricate world of bond investing, the concept of liquidity premium plays a pivotal role. As we delve into the depths of this topic, we discover that liquidity premium isn't just a theoretical construct; it has tangible implications for investors, issuers, and the overall functioning of financial markets. Let's explore the significance of liquidity premium from various angles:

1. Investor Perspective:

- risk-Return tradeoff: Liquidity premium represents the additional yield that investors demand for holding less liquid bonds. Investors recognize that illiquid bonds come with higher risks due to the difficulty of selling them quickly without significant price concessions. Therefore, they expect compensation in the form of higher yields.

- Portfolio Diversification: By incorporating bonds with varying levels of liquidity, investors can diversify their portfolios effectively. Liquidity premium allows investors to balance the tradeoff between risk and return, optimizing their overall investment strategy.

- Example: Consider two bonds with similar credit quality and maturity—one highly liquid (such as a U.S. Treasury bond) and the other less liquid (such as a corporate bond). The latter will offer a higher yield to attract investors.

2. Issuer Considerations:

- Issuance Costs: When corporations or governments issue bonds, they must consider the liquidity premium. Bonds with lower liquidity may require higher coupon rates to attract buyers. Issuers must strike a balance between minimizing borrowing costs and ensuring market acceptance.

- Market Perception: The liquidity premium affects an issuer's reputation. If a bond becomes illiquid after issuance, it reflects poorly on the issuer. Therefore, issuers often strive to maintain liquidity to enhance their credibility.

- Example: A company issuing long-term bonds may choose to include a call option, allowing it to redeem the bonds early if needed. This feature enhances liquidity and reduces the liquidity premium.

3. Market Dynamics:

- Market Liquidity: The overall liquidity of bond markets impacts liquidity premiums. In times of market stress (e.g., financial crises), liquidity tends to dry up, leading to wider spreads between bid and ask prices. Investors demand higher premiums during such periods.

- Flight to Quality: During uncertain times, investors flock to highly liquid assets (such as government bonds), driving down their yields. Conversely, less liquid bonds experience widening spreads, resulting in increased liquidity premiums.

- Example: In 2008, during the global financial crisis, liquidity premiums surged as investors sought safety, causing bond prices to diverge significantly.

4. Behavioral Aspects:

- Herding Behavior: Investors often exhibit herd mentality, favoring highly liquid assets even when fundamentals suggest otherwise. This behavior compresses liquidity premiums for popular bonds.

- Overreaction and Underreaction: Market participants may overreact to news, causing sudden shifts in liquidity premiums. Rational investors can exploit these mispricings.

- Example: A sudden downgrade of a corporate bond may trigger panic selling, artificially inflating its liquidity premium. Savvy investors can capitalize on this by buying at distressed prices.

In summary, liquidity premium isn't a mere footnote in bond investing; it's a dynamic force that shapes market behavior, influences pricing, and guides investment decisions. As investors, issuers, and regulators navigate the bond landscape, understanding liquidity premium remains essential for informed choices and sustainable financial markets. Remember, behind every yield curve lies the ebb and flow of liquidity—a silent conductor orchestrating the symphony of bond markets.

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Importance of Liquidity Premium in Bond Investing - Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices

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Liquidity Premium: What is Liquidity Premium and How Does It Affect Bond Prices - FasterCapital (2024)
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