Sheet-Pan Roasted Mushrooms and Spinach Recipe (2024)



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Made this tonight with broccoli instead of spinach bc that's what I had. Sprinkled some Sazon before cooking. Checked at 15 minutes with intention of turning and it was perfectly done to my taste. Delicious and easy. Will definitely make again.


Would this work with bok choy?


King oyster mushrooms are wonderful with this! For even more depth of flavor start them in the oven first, tossed with a drizzle of soy and rice wine vinegar (or shaoxing wine or mirin), before adding the rest of the vegetables (go lighter on the salt). Broccolini or chinese broccoli are nice additions or can be swapped in for the spinach.


I make this on the stovetop in a large non stick pan with just enough olive oil for taste. It’s a good side for any kind of meat, as per the recipe, and is also a good addition to soups or as a pizza topping if you have any left over. If using it on pizza add in the last five minutes so the spinach does not burn.


It might work if you seperate the bok choy leaves and stems. Put the chopped stems in with the mushrooms and the leaves toward the end to wilt them.


Absolutely wonderful on polenta

Gail Halverson

I too have been doing this on stovetop for many years. I often toss in a handful rehydrated raisins.


I was shocked at how delicious this was!! I crumbled some feta on top when it was done, and served it over rice.


The flavor is different. Roasting brings out a sweetness in the shallots (or leeks as I did in an experiment), the garlic, and makes a nice, crispy mushroom. Of course with these ingredients, it's tough to go wrong. But there is no effort in roasting. Cut the veggies up, spread them on a parchment-covered sheet pan, and let them do their thing while you're off answering emails or replying on this forum. After the meal, just crumple up the parchment and add it to the compost. Done!


Bok choy can be absolutely delicious roasted, especially baby or Shanghai choy. This recipe is one of my favorites, can take some tips for roasting it from there:


I made this tonight, almost as written. I bought 2 bags of spinach, but after mixing the first one in, I thought one was enough. In retrospect, the other bag would not have overwhelmed the dish and the next time I make it I will use 2 bags. It was delicious and I will definitely make it again.. and again.


I added feta cheese and Kalamata olives and had the dish over pasta. It was delicious.

Maria Rodriguez

Spectacular! I only used one container of spinach and I sliced the mushrooms in half so that they remained a bit more substantial after roasting. So easy too.


Bok choy tends to be a lot thicker than baby spinach, so it would be undercooked. Best to use stovetop, cook the mushrooms separately first. Then, the bok choy, and add the mushrooms back to reheat and incorporate the flavors.


I've now made this with sh*take mushrooms, king oysters, and once also with portabellas alone b/c that's what I had. Always fabulous, and I only use more olive oil than called for in the recipe! Tonight I'll make it with brown sugar/Dijon glazed salmon filets. It's a dependably delicious "go to" for me. And I think the sh*takes are the best.


Underwhelming even after adding balsamic vinegar. Feta probably would improve it, but not enough to cook it again.

Mark P.

Of the more than 50 recipes I have made here, this and the chicken and shallots are the two best-


This did not come out the way I expected. It would have been dry had I not added a little more olive oil. To make it moist it would have needed so much more oil. Not recommended at all.


Just wonderful. I’m lucky enough to have a local farm that offers all the ingredients through the winter. This time used blue oyster mushrooms. Just delicious!


I make this into a main dish by boiling some baby potatoes and then roasting them with the mushrooms. Works very well.


I used a red onion I had, and sauteed some kale separately but the flavor was fantastic. Ate it with some white beans and roasted delicata squash for dinner and put the leftovers in scrambled eggs the next morning. yummy!


Tasty cooked as directed, though my garlic cloves were huge. I placed it on farro which I think made it better than on pasta or rice because farro provided earthier flavor, coarser texture. Next time I’ll add cherry tomatoes as others have suggested.

Regina Y

Used whole bunch (~5) of baby garlic with their stalks attached -- delicious! Added more garlic flavors to the dish.


Made this in prep of this evening’s meal. Added some balsamic vinegar as well.

Laura from VA

Can this be doubled? Seems like it would be easy.

Donna N

So good baked as is in the recipe and just as good in a pan. The benefit of roasting is less work to do and less clean up!!Special place in my cooking repertoire because it goes with any main dish! Love it


Instead of using a sheet pan, I made this on the stovetop in a Dutch oven. I sauteed the shallots until translucent (~2 minutes), then added the garlic. Shortly after (~30 seconds), I added the mushrooms. Once those had cooked down a bit, and just as they started to stick, I added the spinach. I didn't add any salt or pepper. This made a nice side dish to the Oven-poached Pacific Sole with Lemon Caper Sauce I made as the main dish.


Made this and used bed for sliced up steak from the charcoal grill - spectacular


11/31/22 Made w/ boneless pork chops added to pan after cooking mushrooms for 10 minutes


This is fantastic, splashed some sake on the mushrooms too

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Sheet-Pan Roasted Mushrooms and Spinach Recipe (2024)


How to cook mushrooms so they are crispy? ›

If you pile raw mushrooms up on top of each other in a pan, they will steam. If you spread them out, they will brown and crisp around the edges. This is why I like using a wide skillet to cook mushrooms. The wider size gives me more room.

Are roasted mushrooms good for you? ›

They contain Vitamin D, riboflavin, potassium and are a good source of fiber! Some experts even say that roast mushrooms can help boost your immune system, have anti-cancer properties, and lower your blood pressure due to their antioxidants!

How do you cook mushrooms so they are not soggy? ›

Heat the Pan: Place the skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté and Evaporate: Add the mushrooms and let them brown briefly. They will release moisture; allow it to evaporate completely. Achieve Golden Perfection: Continue to cook and stir the mushrooms until they turn golden brown, adjusting the heat as needed.

Which mushroom is the healthiest? ›

Some of the mushrooms considered best for human health include chaga, lion's mane, reishi, turkey tail, shiitake, cordyceps and maitake. Often considered vegetables, mushrooms are neither plants nor animals. They belong to a unique kingdom of fungi.

What is the healthiest way to eat mushrooms? ›

The best (read: healthiest) way to cook mushrooms, according to the research, isn't in a pan. Rather, you will reap the most health benefits from your white button, portabella, cremini, or shiitake mushrooms by grilling them—and microwaving them.

Does cooking mushrooms destroy vitamin D? ›

Even after harvesting, mushrooms can continue to produce vitamin D, whether exposed to UV light from the sun or a lamp. Humidity and cooking mushrooms in water do not appear to affect vitamin D content in mushrooms, but cooking them in fat (such as oils) can cause the vitamin to leach out because it is fat-soluble.

Why should mushrooms be cooked in water before oil? ›

Sautéing them in oil first is a crucial mistake when cooking with mushrooms, as the oil will disappear, so you'll add more but then be left with soggy, oil-logged mushrooms. Cooking the mushrooms in water -- although counterintuitive and unconventional -- solves the problem of soggy mushrooms.

Are sauteed mushrooms crunchy? ›

The beauty of pan-roasting lies in its ability to bring out the mushrooms' natural umami, creating a texture that's just the right kind of crispy. This dish is all about the power of simple ingredients coming together to create something unexpectedly delightful.

How do you wash mushrooms without making them soggy? ›

Use a damp paper towel or a soft mushroom brush to wipe each mushroom, one at a time, to remove any dirt. We can imagine the follow-up question now: How to clean mushrooms when you don't have time to wipe each one individually?

Is it better to fry mushrooms on low or high heat? ›

"As you know now, mushrooms have a ton of water in them. When you cook them in a pan, the water will seep out. If you keep the heat low, the mushrooms will just simmer in their liquid. Medium high or high heat will get rid of all that liquid, and will give the mushrooms a nice brown color.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.