SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1955.. -ELMTRA STAR-GAZETTE. TACiE ELEVEN. Pioneers Tumble 5-1 T. a i Faces 9 i Nasliu Ready Loses Fourth Foes in Belmont By AL MALLETTE Tom Eigham pitched the rest lowed with a line shot into right Charlie Ready is rapidly gain- the way anl allowed the other to record his 43rd RBI of the ing the reputation as Elmira's four runs one on a disputed in- season.
"unpredictable He side-thepark homer and another; But Erickson escaped further either shuts out the opposition trio on a hit batter, walk, single trouble by forcing Ed Lindsey or gets knocked out. and two errors on the same play, to pop to second and fanning His only two victories this sea- A crowd of 895 saw Don Erick- Larry Stankey on a 3-2 pitch son were shutouts (the only two -son making his first Eastern that turned into a double play, Elmira pitchers have recorded) League start sjnce being shipped Elkins was off with the pitch and last night he went' down to down by Syracuse, stifle' the I'io- but was an easy out at second his fourth "defeat although this nrs, on five his to pitch the on George Triandos" perfect peg time he allowed only one run in Blue "Jays to their fifth victory to John Pfeiffer. Schenectady's 5-1 Dunn Field vie- sevpn "tarts with the Erickson breezed through the nrw neers. He fanned 11 and walked last three striking out 'Soon I Tear Vi Apart Minoso, Hilless Since Beaning, 'No Worry' 0R1.0 ROBERTSON NEW YORK -Nashua, beaten in the Kentucky Derby but winner of the Preaknr-s, is the prohibitive choice to so-so 3-year ''tis in he 37t Ii Kclnumt Stakes to-iia but thfre is one big quonon. By JOE MOOSH1I.
-with the 'before. And hems hit has nothing CHICAGO Minnie Minoso "1 love baseball. It my bread to do with it. You don't si-are hasn't had a hit since he was the and butter and if they kill me when Minnie. victim of a bean ball last month I up at bat, I he buried in my "Even in batting practice," cun- lour.
two each frame wasn't at his best last r4e3V rjr -v. -j' Will the pride of Wdliam Wood-ward's Relair Stud win the classic mile and one-half race nt Belmont and the Chicago White Sox are baseball suit. I no back off tor tinned Marion, "he jut isn't hit-worried about their prize outfield- no ling tiie ball solidly. I believe he's fr- Minoso admit ten it is me orM women aoout not ne ng ao.e eaS)ly as he appears capabie night but it was reported he hlkins 43rd KBl acncneciaay nrs run in ine wasn't feeling too well. He re- Elmira's only serious threat third came on Pfeiffer double tired after the third inning trail- came in the sixth after the Javs and ing 1-0.
Charlie was a trifle wild, had taken a 2-0 lead. i Rhubarb Over Latch giving up three walks and getting; Lacey Curry opened with his i In the Slxlt! f'mira lanf hohinri nn inner hattorc illth rlnnhla anrl Rnh Fllfins fnl.inPSSed one Of the Season top BUI ine coionui vuoan laugns suimp oi nis vart-er mil vucu in- smiiks ir muiii, mi ih-i-us is riome'' 0- will he- rfraw th fin. one good day ai the plate." off and savs. "When I come out of be out of it soon I No Worry' lsIi fine as he has done in many of his races while compiling a rnuoaros. Herrara blasted one of Big- it, I tear 'em apart." i Minoso led the White Sox at bat Minoso, who hasn't had a hit in'last season with a .320 average.
15 trips to the plate since he wasjHe had 19 home runs. 18 triples, hit by a pitched ball thrown byjdrove in 116 runs, stole 18 bases Bob Grim of the New York Yan-iand led the league with 304 total kees, May 18, shakes off all pos-bases, sibilities that the slump can be at-! Really Roll' day would lead to another and-to! fics and 3 SK" hear Minoso tell it hed be up 300 in no time 1 0ff llis seeond' baek of SwaP "One day I got two hits, another: Derb'' a''d his rec-ti, mal-h. anH i ord performance in the Treakncss, hams pitcnes to tne tence in dead center. Speedy Dave Mann raced back and caught the ball just as he crashed into the fence. He dropped to the ground and rolled over, apparently coming up with the ball.
But base umpire Gerry Morrisey waved the "safe signal'' and by the Grays Drop 6th in Roiv Trips Blank Sens, Regain Eastern Lead tributed to the accident. Currently he is hatting ,244. 65 right up there," said Minoso 'I Love Baseball' points below his .309 lifetime av- Wlien 1 no hit. nobody say any- ''I get hit in the had eight times erage, and has a mere 38 total thing dugout but 1 laugh to show I no worry. I start hitting ion then 1 tear 'cm apaii." iu Krtl! Uarrara had In baseball and knocked out bases.
three." said Minoso who was hit Sox Manager Marty Marion feels by pitched balls 16 times last year Minoso is the reason the Sox are and has led the American League 5' 2 games behind the Yankees. "If in that department for four years, we could only get him hitting. "They no scare me. They got to we'd really roll." said Marion kill me before I move back," Min-1 "I thought he was beginning to oso answered angrily when asked pick up before he was hit in the if the beaning had anything to do head but now he's no better than; from his rivals in Ihis the third jewel in the turf's Triple Crown. But that has not been Nashua's way of operating Weak Opposing Field In the Flamingo, K'aTala Derby, nod Memorial and Preakness.
all $100.1100 added events like the Bel-mom, the robust son of Nasrullah won hy margins of less than a length even though ha appeared capable of scoring by much wider margins But the field today shape up as the weakest ever to oppo Nashua. Not one of the nine others ever won a major race. A victory Msodaud Prts, ators with five hits-all Binghamlon-s rampaging Trip-as the Triplet, racked up their, "Ray1 Hathaway dart. lets have taken over iirst place third victory in a row. He walked' ht ficld along with most in the Eastern League a bare seven and stranded 10 Albany o( thg psloneer team to argue the four percentage points ahead of runners.
'decision But it was to no avail, the floundering i 1 1 i a port; The Triplet catcher, John wpnt -nto the books as a home Grays. chard, blasted a solo homer jor Herrara. Twenty-seven hits did it. They i longest of six extra-base hits irtuailv it was i brilliant bit Erie Takes Pair from Horncll MINOSO 0 for IS Pi In 10 Straight Games Relief Pitchers Answer To Yankees'5 5-Gaiiie Lead were the 13 belted by the Trips Binghamton got off three Albany piay on Mann's part. There last night in shellacking Albany moundsmen.
aren't many outfielders around 8 0, and the 14 that Reading' Don Nance went the route for today who would have even hoomed out in clobbering Wil- the Reading Indians for his fifth caught up with the ball. It was liamsport 11-2. in eight decisions. C'al just one of a number of fine It was Binghamton's third win Hogue took the defeat, his second i defensive plays last night by in a row. The Grays have lost in as many starts.
Larry Raines the fleet centerfielder. six straight. and Roger Marie sparked the In-I After the Pioneers got their Schenectady right-hander Don dian attack with three hits each, lone marker in the last of the Erickson spun a five-hitter as the; Wilkes-Barre's Jim Singleton sixth Schenectady clinched mat-Blue Jays set back Elmira 5-1. posted his fifth straight victory ters with its three-run eighth. At Wilkes-Barre, the Barons and a 6-1 season mark in taking Errors Hurt split a twin bill with the Allen- the opener with Allentown.
All Wildness got Bigham in the; town Rerihirds. Wilkes-Raire Stieglilz singled home the win- b.m at the start. He plunked; The fifth place Erie S-nators ny any hp b'S-rroved an old basebail axiom ''Pi'ise the history of the last night: You have to score sJake- llls at old Jerome runs to win games. 111 l3ti7 Although outhit in Iv.ith ends1 Thc l'c quoted Nashua at of a PONY League doiihleheador 1 10 up his fourth one-t he Senators took two gam-s from hundred-grand victory of the year. loaded the sacks in the bottom ond big league homer in the eighth 7 ,0 6 811(1 5 (0 2.
In I ost time about pm. East- ititftl Pifss or Casey Stengel is really trav- half of the inning with one out. win for the Giants as Jim Ilearn nrf "ad "i Manaarn lime. Hie race will copped the first game 3 2, while'ng run in the eighth inning. jllerrara with a pilch then walked1 eljng fll-st these days for Erskine Homers won No.
7, Rookie leftv Luis Ar-'' p. Vs 101 seven nall0n- mi nan a oases- ikt iiuiii n.m. the Itedbirds took the night-! iiemown came back witn a Jack Hasten. 1 run- living on relief Mike Garcia was the loser, drop- royo lost his second after winning loaded homer in the third and I'-ST. cap 8-5.
115-hit barrage in he Jerry Claycorab lashed a single New York Yankees rammedipmg hus seventh six straight. Twenty-three runners Zack Monroe. Binghamton Ron Plaza two-run homer in the into left center that gox. througni .,,,,,,,1 RrnnL Ivn in a unn hie umro c( i-inHoH in the a -mm 1 Kt UOSa prOVIUPfl (lit1 Will- N'tiNllUft KlR RitnkPT righthander, set down the Sen-seventh iced the game. Lindsey Mann retrieved the ball 6 eighth on a four-hitter and belted; the Cards, who slumped to seventh "ih's with If 10 start which is very axlentoww wiLKEg-BAKBE at the base of the fence and majop hom.
nm whm( thp Phlls al lJlfl 111 'he sixth, hkely. toe will have a layed to Curry. Two runs naa ai-' vv-n 9h rv u. hlN' foss value of with the 1, 11 1 1 i 1 uric uivv nmi lau uii will ok i senrea ana ciaycvmiv 1 1 ine die one winner net ine srk 7no Km rooarri. 0 nun and ii ennrse Jim n.nns an i iiena auueu two more nomers1 ams teen nt at iieirnit on Plaza Sh the number of starters a iii lliuu.
v-uiy (u. TW hit, fi "if M'V if "I MrArdi.c- 4 0 4 0 4 i 2 thjrd' to the barrier 'o get the job done. a ju lieanea lor mrrier Ju" om same 9 8 nul 1( Nashua vidory would make him "TV 2 BT 4 3 2 Claycomb completed tne trip Morgan came on e. et 'mvs nomer and un- (he sixth horse in history to earn Baseball Standings LEAGUE Yeiterdty'a Kiult Prhfticrtarty ELMTRA 1 RhiKhamtoh Albany 0 3-5. Allentown 2 1 Rpsding 11.
Wllliamoport 2 .1 i 2 atiogutz.n 4 2 3 111,01110 lonniiy rsyrne alter ine i anwi 7 "larneu runs made the i errnoe more than $H00 000 lie alrearlv 1 Tonight Hathaway has nomi-, taken a 3-1 lead in the sevenths PJ" Secotj. and reliefers now has won five straiRht. 1hp 5 tn Ramr. had h. ked Jmm ln mi 3 I 8 BMm 3 0 1 h.aJA eS Fessette 13-3, to pitch' And when Morgan faltered in the; Dave Hillman and John Andre.
It Wilson and Ray Moore scat- In other Kames around (he he tur 29 22x Totals tTTJ4 he-s readv. Hank Mason' ninth. Konstaiity strolled in to re- )vas, Nj 18 for CamP' who now tered eight Kansas City hits as league, the Hamilton Ue.lbirds Ulv enuuie inil im I re' "-Ono out when winning run orod 11 "5. pads the mainrs ham rims Rntimoro iu in a om t(iume lllllllOIWIi e. Allentown oao ooo oo (4-1) will tnrow lor ine ure tne last two oauers wnn ine diniaiuea uieir nrst.
place lend A Nashua Ininniih nkn Rookie Gail Harris hit his sec- after losing seven. or 5'2 Wilkea.Barra 000 002 01 il if. k'iuanix Nisht and one of tvina and winnine runs on base. games by knocking off i. hi.
STANDINGS It was the 10th straight game Ro'I 2' -'B-stioKiiu. HRipected pending good weather. wnich Slengci has had to go TZX" the elubs play a double- the and hig remen Jamestown 4 to 0 as second plare! )ockey Kddie Arearo and trainer W'1 5 Sunn" Mm -m S. who'll "1.1' gAPpSda-01ea" S'' '-elebrate his 81st b.rthdav next aior League Boxes have won or saved six of them. "'V month.
Mr. I'itz was confident his NATIONAL LEAGUE i ne seconn inning on three horn AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet OB 2S 19 29 20 27 21 27 21 .563 13 2fi 21 2 20 2S 19 28 .404 15 32 ,319 13 Binghamton Williamsport SihenrtaHy Alli'iitown ELMIKA V'ilkcs-Barre Albany Wilkos-Barro 9. BB Senf rclua SO -Soiierchi 4. Sinsloton R-KR I Sonorrhi 3-3. Singleton 2-2.
HBP by KftTF cnfhnaw Ron Owen Singleton (Mavor). Sonorchia (Ran- iNO I KS bOUinpaw Hon uwen, son), Sincioton (S-t i. Senor-iihe Lafavette College ace ol a nil. 1 "i "in uiii iieciinea in Strong at Finish In their last 17 games, the Yan CHICAGO BROOKLYN iNF.W TORK CLEVELAND AB A AH All A AH II 0 1 I 0 3 tunc Uaxia hud four fnmnlnio Mikhis.rf 1 4 0 .1 rf 0 (1 onia (u-jj. rnuiips and
1 1 Don 1, It 1 '-K- vie tS nety with an park be or ulher I 1 homer and provided the neces- 'll0f 0 sary edge for Culbert's win over 1 Wfms 10 I I Wellsville. He's now 3 and 1 fo onL 1 Carev.Jb I "Noren.K 1 0 Manlle.lf 3 I1 Bella II ivear ago, repouea games from their pitching nZh a a Hathaway last night and limbered won nf the contests 4 fn. onimlo nf innins the for a couple of innings in the 1 1 0 1 1 11 (I 0 4 2 1 Snider .1 1 0 4 ft 4 Amorna.K 1 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 (I Kuiei.lf 4 I I II Husen.Hi .1 (l 3 2 Wert. lb 1 1 IKlv I .1 2 1 0 blhille I 1 i a sivkril.s.s 2 a au.entowv wii kts rrk. up 3 a imps to their Airier- Kins if I 2 ll to add three son.31) 5 2 ititi ibht a bullpen, lies expected to ue a a CU1 men.
lies expecieu in ue a rurilio.rl 2 Rjiiiri 1 the year. lhr "r' 3 3 10 I 0 I ll 4 2 3 11 iianka.aa i i Hot Vci.r lV rv.iw.fc Coins will ride lcan LeaSe Icad-vvhich at i of, starter Chuck Coles win riue jN-game spread over the a Krs thp heneh for anvwhere from a 8J Pe ovel. nt. i i i 1 the Dencn lor anywneie irum 0 Reb Today'! Game 5Vhthrrtady ai ELMIRA Bh'jttianiton at Albany Allntown at Williami)nrt ai Roadine SINDAVS GAMES Binphamton at Albany Srhnfcady at F.I.MIRA 2 2 m. Allentown at Wilkes-Barre tOnly games acheduledi 2 1 .1 2 12 2 Krakinr .1 11 a nil 1 a aMieki (I I I'lleean 'work, lb Corning pitcher Ken MrFlnde 1 larsfr 1 I Bynie.p I a a 11 0 2 1 2 7 (I II Chicaeo Whi sox.
who were in ed aMeni an i .1 ,1 A I uitin r. Lrii, niuiiHiiiv nctause 4 in i Beiiick.if 4 i three riavs to a week, resting a liciupii 11 mse 1 tn i 1,.. 1 1 a uiiiht.n 0 ft 0 0 Narlekl.p a onnai by rain yesterday. I McArdlo.c (13 0 Molton.rf 1 0 a knocking a two run single in the 20'000 sws hf luiishr.ig 4 2 sprained'ankle. His right field job a i i.c laUn -or hv Art MrRrirle The Yank bullpen.
with rookie Andre. i a I r.i .1. in Tnl.l. it second, 111, (WO to third and $3,000 hfth inning against Olean. 1 1 (i il 1 1T I.
Frank Sturdivanl joining Koil-'a -SmBled for in mh 1 ft oMHcheil Fniles.r (lairla.p rtWralako llenlo.aa al.emon The hnescorei 2 0 I for fourth Others entered are, Flying Kurv (irnunrten out lor iiuiman in em 0 ft ft ft Cordoll If 1 2 0 Shawver.rf 5 12 0 Telia, Mayer. 5 1 1 Mitchell. 4 110 Zackev.p Ford.p 10 0 1 Momch.p a-St'litz Slupak.p nun nun mm- ooo i shaking a slump which shows xtoJn noi (i.ll 2i r. i i 11ICT AIlO fllll 111 ItlllllinC cl 1 1 1 1 It It mil It I ft (1 0 ft ft ft ft ft 10 tl 7 trio Tatalu US I 27 I TolaU nnnlonly "Ve hits in HIS USl J1 at Reeao 2, C.mpanella, Amor oooo, .1.. thai nsn Rons antv been Ine.
c. i rri ftn- it 1 and Rajput Ironi Hairv K. (iii- dft.V 002 7 1 II 1 versphoi Keiilieims Cam Hoy Stable with il.i I lark Huffhr i 0 oioais. lies iauen oeiow uie 'ii. i.
2B- in It nf Hip lasl'Rooaf 3. Krakint 2 n-camp II a-Walked for Strickland in 71 Ran far Pobv in 71 onv annparinff Gnlnvac 1W1 1J1 and Barrios rtairail a rtn ihllnl wl MR Kukine, Reese. Campanolla marie ior me nrsi time in a inunin, "ft Baker r'" 01 11 1 1 1 ill i-Ran for Majeaki in 7th Seven innmifs OB -Hit iarriflet for Mesich in 7th I 1ft nnui In av four nd win nn. S-Hodioa. SF r.rskine.
nr UILH Inr Tiarrli. lit 7lh second I omit rom John Mel'hnm's Har. Grounded out for SUipak in 91h "ea ieK05 was Hie luly; Gilliam, Heese and Hwlirea; Banka, Baker H(le; Banka, Bakeri. v. ....1,1 oh "rV.Bf." crrrza y- v.
wmtney and Fondy. Left -Chicago 4 Brooklyn i. rnr fmio in Aiientawn on a patron to receive the live nany (no in 300 Las mo il's nprformanee mav ll" mnos .1. nniman r.iine 1. walked for lionlt in sih Monaco and Oeiicrah.
Kearna and "ell: Hetailll'lO from Robert .1. R-Burlon 2. Huesman 3. Plaza I.l',v" jonea 3. Andre 1.
tisK ne a New York ta nr Kleberg's King Ranch: Howard Hertweck. Melton. Roaera 2 E-Ran- ing babv nig. PONY LEAGUE Yaateiday'a Renlti COBNINO 5. Olfan 1 r.rt- 7-5 HORN ELL -2 Bradford 8, Wcllsville 5 Hamilton 0 STANDINGS Hamilton 2 Bradford 24 15 AV CORNING 22 16 wi 1 17 AVolljvilU 2- Kn 19 21 Oka ii 14 24 HORNELL 9 30 Today'i Gamaa Bradford al HORNELL at Brie nl Hamilton olfan at CORNING srXD.H'H GAMES Bradford at Wellivillt Kn at CORNING Hamilton at Olean IIORNE1.L at Jamisfown limr iiifii inr uiggvi iiiti, iui linn t'loYolanil Oft Kin Hill 2 sent the Yanks winging in lllerAad8; s.
son. Teat a. Hogers. Barrow RBI Hert- S( HENLCT A ELMIRA iK' arrow- Mf' o-am. of a hio fnur.oami.
lone, ...71 l'-S-or. (loelz, Daacoll and en. Mantle. I'npe 2B Phillev. SH Manila Hamilton mil mi iio 4 coraen, niruirro.
Mifglllz, ia 4 2 12 1 1 Warneke. T- 2 14. A 21,277. -Burton. Shawver.
Huesman Bhhi. if a a m-b-h. 1 11 I coring al rlAVftlanH anfl iliiinnnrl and ienninnm .1... ,7 Weinstein Mr. Al and A B.
ii a (lay's Court, i and Clearwater Stable's rorlersville and Nashua is expected to go off at 1 1 1 1 ID. Lilt and Brown, I'assHI i if Indians to their seventh de-t. 1.0ns Nrw york 12. 9 1111 ar-neiiivtL-ll, nilOKHir. .1 11 .1 I f.
Kins. i II arlesk 2. R.rn Mi.rv.i. I ll- Ulli ill. ft 1 a 1 0 oLindie.v.if 3 1 feat in eight games A Ml 7 VV it -1 U.rn.
M. 2 I Wlil ms.lh IS ill nn a 2 0 Stank v. lb I I 2 (I.Kan I. so Garcia 7, WiKlil I. Nailcski 3.
1 0 0 Ted Tag Two 2 0 DP Hertweck lunassistodi. Hertweck.1 Herrera.rf Mayor and Hertweck; Mayer. Huesman Hasten. cf and Hertweck 3 Left Allentown 18. Wilkes-Barre 7.
BB Zaekey 4, Mesich; Triandnj.c 2. Mitchell I. Slupak 1, Ford 2 SO Erickson.p Li Studlfv '2', llntait "1 and Honiy ulliert and 11 iivrne 1. I III) (iain.i 7 111 7. Wight 2 In 2.3.
Narleski 0 In 1 I Bvrne l4, yumn II in II. Mmean 2 in 2. Koinlaiili risplno. ft in I'R 11, Wlijhl 11110 Napoli.r 4 0 Ii 3 112 1 4 4 2 0 11 Ready. 1 11 0 Bigham.
2 0 0 1 Boston, with two home runs hy Musia'i. i Ted Williams, beat Detroit and 0 ft .1 Maya, cl 4 8 (I In In. i 4 2 0 Dark. 4 2 3 4 0 Harris, lb 4 2 ft Kail, 2 II 2 altnfman 1 0 0 Westrum.c I ii 2 1 1 1 1 0 I .1 1 1 1 1 2 111 (I (I (I (I 1 Baltimore City Rep'ski. If 4 Saiih'e Whips sSonrll in STOCKTON.
Calif. San- 2 Narleski ll-O. llvrnc I 1, MuiKan 1-1. Kun (i sianly no. WP Garcia I'H Voiles, vv -ft Bvmo 1.1-1 1.
L-Clarcla i.17i. I1 Summcis in Hip nllioi- Al. aam (nrnina 17 Totals acKoy Mitcnen 2. Mttirn 2, slupak 1. Ford 1 HO Zaekey 8 in Mesich 4 in 1 a.i Mitchell 9 in fi I'nlals S(l ifaced .1 in 7th.
Kord 4 in Stupak Schenectady 2 in 2, B-ER Zaekey S-4: Mesich 2 Elmira linn nan inn 1 a 1 anil ir 0 1 1 2 Krawcak. MrBride iii 1 s. yei .1 iiai 1101 inn a sttarman and Soar, Kitnte. 'I 3 12. A 1 Hurley, ft the National Brooklyn 4 (Kin Oftl mm Ii In Walsh 1 Hem-n, 2 Kr.skine the runner- Taisia a 14 Tniait J4 i is Milchell Ford 0-0.
Stupak R- PfeifTer, Herrera 2. Hasten, (ur imo K. 1 BAI. TIMOR KANVAS ITV nut for Kail in dlh u. i.iuLn- via.vcoino.
v.urr.v. a. umniB) vun.v,: a llfil ell iTurtourrol: by Mesich Burton- RRI Simmnna Herrara. F.I kins. lav-! UD thlCtlZO I.UDS Ml as tile KIOOM 1'lied AMKRH AN Veslfldm Roiultl Bnston 5.
Detroit 2 Washington at (hirajo. ppd ram Vork 1, Cleveland 1 Baltimore 1. Kanaai City Standinaa Wnn Last Frl B'hlBll nrlI 1" H'l tan nnn nnn 1 AB a AH A 5 2 ft 4 DrM hi ss 1 I 4 i tee. t(us country Ustest miler despite lus Irctiucnl failures at the lour-niiiiute mark, has proved he'l Pioneer Averages Cox. 3b (Mil (ion an 2 ft Ir ab an 30 nr rbi lb pet i -a i comD.
in fie rier, iwinase.v. nuiy. inoK a y'2-Sfame eao Ann Br 4 h. m. -Levin, Phillip.
AtlX HR-Herrera. SB-Curry. H.rrora Sac Homua. Brri: H-ara iZ'Tu I Pf.ift.r Rimmnna York heat St. I.OUIS 2-1.
'J. Bayer. RBI-Musial, l.ocknian, Harris. 1 Ills! onni4 -it l.ll 'ili a vl IS 4 (1 11 11 lain 2 a 1 11 ft 11 ft ft ft I 1 11 a 1 1 1 1, 1 1 ai. HR Harris, mi noyei i.ocKman.
4 ft 2 ll ft (I 1 2 4 2 2 fl .1 1 (I ft l.ope?.2ll hKr'h ski ft Bnvel 2 Valo.rl 2 VV Kl'dna iirry Slunk, chioso Clfit'and 32 23 54 BLMtHAMTOX ALBANY UK himjuik" 1 Left SI lallis 12, New Vork It. BB 5 iimlfi 7" vvp was rained out, Philadelphia and A.n,v 1, ilearn 2 so-Arro. a Re.H rf a 1 ft i a hchenectaov Flmlra 1 a 1., Rv Reod.rf 4 110 Sia I Sniilh.c I rios.lh Vouni.Jb Wilson, i Moot e.p 4 2 2 RoMtin 27 1:1 Alii ntn nnr-iiy DiKiiarn 11- v. nil. 111! I ti 1 1 linvil I i iruuiru irinvo ifleainl W-Hraill I7SI.
U-AI- 1eisner.2b 113 5 I 0 U'-Hl io .1 II 4 4'; 0 a I .1 1 I'. i ti. 1 (1 -Triandos and PfeiMer, Napnli anil hv Mellon nriv rnyo'i(l-2i. I Barlirk. Landfi 31 Is I'l 1R 2.1 17 IV.
13 I'll ::2 II I 7 ft 'J it: is .1 in 4 4 0 0 A 1 tin an irfl 4 In .1: nil a 11 Bflllaiifant. 'J 2.24. A- 1S.M, Blanciiard.r Silt Haas lb 2 ft N-'polt 1 ft I ft Simpson. rf 4 1 ft 1 fl fnuei.lh 4 1 4 2 2 2in RiERReady i i. Biiiham 4-2.
Carey and Mickey Mantle broke laciul: lb 0 7 0 Erickson 1-1 '10' lie in the seventh al I'Cilcs Mn nn 4 I I llln if Pii ern Monroe. up a 1-1 Cleveland and not Byrne started I toward his third victorv, Morgan's 4 21) Jensklr. If 210 Linharl cf 4 1 4 .1 Hodsi.n 3 2 11 West. 2b 2 10 3 Yasinski.n d-Todesco Nichols. 2 1 2 ll, Loser Readv i2-4i.
Kinnamon 1 0 1 2 Mornssey. A-95 I nul; i Hon I ittlc Mo 3'larrics in i 3 PITCRINO RECORDS I if ll' ho bb ao 12 i. is 4.: ii 4 i 3S 11 IX ii 'ini. i7 ii am.r The crew -cut cowboy out nf Kan-wii aliliimgh disappointing a I-M crowd nf 3.m0 nt last night's cilic As, ii, track meet be-i, lie didn't break a record, administered a sound trouncing to Sow ell. in a special 880.
I Sautee sped around the baked chiy track (if Baxter Stadium in 1 iniiiuli- I seconds for a three-- yard victory over Snwrll, provi- ously imdeioaied in major compe-i tition. Sovvell. the soft striding j' Panther junior, was limed in 1:49 4 Thc world record oi 1 48 4 15 1 heid by Mai Whittield Santee wa tuned 111 1-4BS three weeks aso 0 0 11 i ii 4 contribution was a strikeout of Al 0 0 0 0 01' -V'-I'l1 llousllill 2-4 0 0 0 annul auu a luict' uui kiouiiuci Herbert 12 12 dllemi.i I ll ll ll Talal. 31 7 27 12 I ol la 34 I 13 Walked fur lli-Marstii in 7ili, lanned lor Lopez in 7th Sincled loi Bluer in 'Mil. I- ranned Inr Herbert In nth Balllinore ftnft KM Kansas lis ftflft ftnft film -ll It -Abiiims.
Kvers. WuodliiiR. einial. Power. Rill Smilli.
Tltandoa 2B Valo 2 Wnndlln. Herbert. IMerini. SF limn dfta 2. IleMaeslil and Power; Coy.
Voting and Triandns l.clt Haiti- Mlievepini ,1, vny i i by Bobby Avila after Byrne had Only names scheduled Washinulon 22 2 4.11 Kansas City 2ft JS .177 17 Baltimore 17 Js .121 2 SATlBDAVa C.AMRS Nr Vork al Cleveland Lopat 1-4i s. Wvnn 17-1'. at Detroit--Brewer 12 7) vs. Hivlt i.i-Si. vahinlon at rhiraeo-Srhmiu 11 vs.
Donovan 16-21. il.illimore at Kansas Cii Piilrlle mOi vs. Raschi Hl-li. SfNOAY'S S( III 1)1 I Wash*tlKton at ChiraRn '2' Baltimore at Kansas Ci'v Ronton at Detroit New Vork at Cleveland 2 mondavs s( i.e No lamt! achadulad NATIONAL l.KAf.l Yesterdar'a Results r.rnnklsn 7, hienco 0 No York 2. SI Louis 1 Milwaukee al Piltshiirsh.
ppd lam Only ame I K. sari la tlililiam I. inner Ondv Hint" is i 12 II il 'J3 I I 13 1 2 ts -x i in 1 70 'j d'l 2 2 ii 1 1 1 i I 2 fl 20 J.i 'Ji ll. 12 -i ii i TotaN IV 1.1 17 14 Tnlals 1(0 5 I'! -Hit iniu DP for Vasinakl In 7lh Walked for Kapuaclnski In nth I RINGH AMTON noo 140-B ALBANY OOfl 1)00 0001) B--Heed. Meisner, Blanchard.
Jaci-1 San Diego Ry NORMAN "BEM. SAN DIECO, Calif i Thc world's abdieatinK tennis queen more fl. Kansas tilv K- lilt WiImiii .1 Vtdiire 2, Herbert Sfi Wilson 2, Mnoif WtA IKI'U 11 I I llnherl HO Wllsnii In 2 3, li.AM.IVAI.I. a bride today at the age nr vviis.m i. iieiiieii ake imni i.
coiiato 11. i.imiqi.isi. i.n.iiroe e. Itodson. Nichols.
RHI-Bivera l.ind-oulst Reed 2. Blanchard 2. Meianer, Kupliio. 2R Meisner 2. Monroe.
Bella. Jacuik, HR Blanchard SB l.inilquisl 2 Sac-Moni-oe SF- LindT.liit. Sup'i in DP Meisner Rivera and Jaeiuk: A-onrne. Mrianer, Rivera and laciuk: of 20. him l-Stephen, l.rieve.
2 lfi. lainmnia I A Vln-hifan 4. Aluwn 1 running in the California Relavs at Mmlclii. sJ if nianninRs Maureen wearinii a iktaima um spmwfiow ivi bridal costume from London, mar- nnsrov iihiioit Woo l.asl Til Behint Staucel and Haas I. OR Bine a iry 1 I f.tnoi.Iya a i a 4, at 2 in 4 II ft ll" iiinan p.
II ft 2 Kui'i Klaus, I Inlllr. cf I II Ii in St. Patrick's Catholic Church, The Most Rev. Charles V. Buddy ll il WiU'ms.
If 4 .1 3 list ns. II ft 0 fl lensen, 'I 4 ft 1 mi, 11, 1 111 ''aniliifi 9 Albonv In BR Monroe 7. Vnsinski 4 Nichols 2 SO Mi nroif 3. Vasmskl 1 H- ofT 10 In 7: I In 'fared 1 bailers in lib'- Kantisrlnski 2 In 2 BAEB-Ya-i, I I Monroe 11 Nichols iKaiHIM in.l-i 1)11 Balk-Monroe VV Monroe Van-nki I'll. MrGnu-aii.
Walsh. 2.14. A bi-ihup San l)ieo, otticiatcs athOllC, Ullll rtlnle. 1-414 Miss Connolly, a I nin, iii mi I nelMiiK, If 1 0 ii i li.itiiflii. ii i ft ttllsim.
i 2 ft 7 ft M'mli'K 21. 4 II i ll 2 0 11 1 hMiiv.v, I ll ll il Vbei li ft i ft ft 11 7 Talals 31 2) I a Methodist, take their Brmker 11 0 1 vows under conditions required by the church lor sin mixed mar- KT AOINfl wii.i.ia MseriRT all a I'lIM flfio 12 .1.1 Vork 1 1 1 2'. I I mi nnniti "I 'H I Philadelphia I wt l.mils Piltshuruli V' 2 ATI Blur (IAMKS Chnaso Brooklyn Harker K)i t.ocs Hi si al V'M' York -Molord Mm Malie Ci'i'i'inn'l Phil.Hlclphia Nushall is a I VMuauk'T at l'illshiit(tli Spahn ili law 'tn. si 111 in 1 r. Cliicagn at Rrookl.
-2' Lnui al V'w Xnr ('incinnnli al IVtilad" ulna MilMaukep Pltlsbllra'i MOM) S( III 111 IT Mil at Cincinnati iN Tntali I J-Iimunded mil Inr Maas tn Mh ah a 5 2 3 0 4 3 0 4 3 2 2 0 3 3 I 11 5 112 -'t 1. 4 ft .1 Water If 4 2 lliii'ies 3 2 2 2 Tanana rf 4 ft 7 Mrrivcf 4 1 0 Hri'1 th 4 10 0 llnir.nn 2h 4 0 4 1 3 2 4 2 OTI Hl I 2 loon Bhioiic Oavis i Giaff Coocan I Pankn.rf Lacinia If Onuska Mat 2b Hopue Hoffman. a Calkins A '2 2 3 1 4 0 .1 0 1 1 1 2 (1 II 1 4 v. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Voatardajr'a Koaalta Montreal at ppd rum r.nfralri 10. Syracuse 3 Ftiriinvtiit T'lii'tito 1 Haisna I.
Bm hrsfcr 1 ii.usnended after Totals II 1 II 1 Totals II 17 i- (Iroundcd out for Hoffman in Btb Wllllamapnrl K1 4M 1 Rrsdlnt Ml ''x II Davis. Graff. Waters. Ra'nes 4 I In allow Koriiesin to eaten pianti Tanana Si Patrick's is Miss onnolly n-Him fm wiinams nh i ii Filed nut for Abcr in Slh parish church, a lew blocks from the i ue where she was born and i'-- i Mans, Williams 2, an. Inn, oil all her life, 11 is deeorat- imiic Kaimr rain.
Hiitficid. Kuenn oil I llln dlT'ltiinil Ultll "Maureen 111,1 Williams Hallnn. Ilelsnni IB-en l.ii tne oi (anion wnn MH sb llatndd ('olll)Ollv" dahlias, named for her Mann III'-Zanchin Umaaslstedi Kuenn. ii. Vlalnibei and lain 2 Left Boston a.
hv a nursery which devclojied thc IR 5, Maa. 3. Aber 1 var.ety during her rise lo tenni nm fame. Mans li. Abei 1 ft VV Nison i.4i.
L- The newlywed. will have a short we." WITa' California honeymoon before leav- ine lor a European trip June 15. exterildlj Star They will visit England, Italy, Switzerland and Fiance. PITCIIINO Carl Erskine. Miss Connolly, who is women's 011t lhe 7-0, sports editor for lhe Nan Diego Wilkjnl, jU or)P hatter and yield I moii.
will cover the All-England jng folir hjts tournament al Wimbledon for that iflTTIN'fi -Ted Williann, lied paper and the I.omlw Daily Mail. Sox, homered the Iirst two limes t0 nt to IVi-tun PfdUAVfi HOMKRS '-hree big runs in a 52 viito.y nnn, Gttn.i William 2, KM IV. 0VCr UlrOit. 1. Marls 2.
Hobsnn -Mat-' Donnell Graff. Brown Scheduled for TONIGHT have been postponed until next Saturday because of wet grounds. CHEMUM! SPEEDKOHE Rain Sam tinned In Mlanlic Mmk jr Rul ing UsnrlatfM STAHD1HUS eroskl vnn i.nsi ri'i. nrninn 3ft 11 21 1 mniito Mnntreal Havana Hnchesler Bichrpond Cnlumhus Biilfalo t'l BB1-Maris 2, RandaiiO 2 Hobsnn 4 rinilf. Panko.
Tanana 2B Graff 2 Raines. Waters. Tanana 3B -Tanana SB-Rallies. Broun. Marls KF-Maria 'DP- Barone.
Mazeroskl and Itlobson. and Bandar.7.o 'Hotnian. Barone and Masernskl. Loll Williamanon 7 Readme a. BB Mobile 1 Hodman 2 Nance 2 SO-ltrne 3 Nance 1 Hoffman I HO IToaue 10 in s.
iplh-hrH -o 3 haileis in atiiv ITfifTman 4 in 3 FI 1 1-7 1 3- '0 2 anrl G'ltiello. T- 2 10. A 1 MATCH RACE Wes Santee, left, and Arrtie Sowcll take off on their special half mile race at Stockton, Calif. Friday niht. Santee; known as a miler, heat hf host haltmiler hv three yarfli 1.
It vn Sowelli first defflt of the year. (AP Wirepholoj. Kira.nsc 1-1 .1 lines Ini lude lt Kla pendoil name Oamoa V. i al n-iffalo al rhrnnd a' i lav a- a Blr famoa iehrHil4l) 4.