The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

-39 18 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1913 PROGRAMS ne TUESDAY MORNING 1270 K. WTIC, 1080 K. Farmers' Digest Farm News; Now. Reveille News Sacred Heart Program Morning Watch Morning Westover Patrol Morning Watch Westover Morning Watch Martin Agronsky, News News Pages of Melody World News Texas Jim Robertson Radio Bazar Miracles and. Melodies Radio Bazar Breakfast Club Music You Work Breakfast Club Jim's Victory Garden Club Food News Breakfast Club.

Violins Leathernecks on Parade Violins Museum News The O'Neills News Help Mate SPCA Program A Woman of America Breakfast Sardi's Road of Life Breakfast at Sardi's Vic and Sade Ilank Lawson's Knight Snow Village Little Jack Little David Harum AFTERNOON WSPE, 1270 K. WTIC. 1080 1 K. Poilsh -American Medley Time Agricultural Report Red Cross Blood Bank Farm and Home Hour Marjorie Mills Farm and Home Hour Marjorie Mills News News Edward MacHugh Big Sister Radio Roundup Uncle Sam U. S.

Army Band Longmire Presents U. S. Army Band Hartford Hostess News Hartford Hostess Victory Hour Little Show Victory Hour Day Dreams, B. Rainey Morton Downey, Songs Mary Marlin My True Story Ma Perking My True Story Pepper Young's Family Rhythm Society The Right to Happiness Rhythm Society Backstage Wife Rhythm Society Stella Dallas Rhythm Society Lorenzo Jones Rhythm Society Young Widder Brown News When a Girl Marries Dick Tracy Portia Faces Life Jack Armstrong he Just Plain Bill Captain Midnight Front Page Farrell TUESDAY EVENING WSPK, 1370 K. WTIC, 1080 K.

Ilere's low It Started News Hubert Kregelob Road to Victory Uncle Sam: Strictly Sports Harmony Caravan Lowell Thomas Victor Borge Fred Waring's Orches. Men, Machine, Victory News of World Confdentially Yours Governor Baldwin Pop Stuff Close- up, Fight Fronts Match, the Abner World Go by Johnny Treasure Chest Presents Presents Tavern Duffy's Tavern Treasure Chest Famous Trials Battle of Sexes Famous Jury Trials Battle of Sexes Spotlight Bands Fibber McGee Molly Spotlight Bands Fibber McGee Molly R. G. Swing Bob Hope Gracie Fields Bob Hope This Nation at War Red Skelton Co. This Nation at War Red Skelton Co.

News News Dance Orchestra Dance Music Dance Music Polish Orchestra Dance Musio Polish Orchestra News WEDNESDAY MORNING WM.AS, 1450 K. WSPR, 1270 k. WTIC, 1080 K. News of the Hour Early Edition Early Edition Salute the Boot News of the World News of Hour Devotions Greent'd Village Chapel News 'The Chapel Singers 'This Life IA Mine Music for Milady Valiant Lady Stories America- Loves Shopper. Bachelor's Children Food News Three Star Edition Notes and Footnotes Notes and Footnotes A.M.I WBZA, 1080 K.

6.00| New Eng. Farm Hoar 6.15 Now Eng. Farm "Hour 6.30 New Eng. Farm. Hour 6.45 New Farm Hour 7.00| News 1.15| Dress Parade 7.30| News 7.45 Spike Jones Slickers 8.15| 8.00| Musical Musical Toast 8.30 News 8.45| Herb Melodeers 9.00| Mildred Carison 0.15/Uncle Sam' 0.30 Food News 9.45|8ing Along: Landt Trio 10.00 News 10.15 The O'Neill 10.30|Help Mate 10.45 Woman of America 11.00| Road of Life 11.15 Vic and Sade 11.30 Snow Village 11:45 David Harum P.M.! WBZA, 1030 K.

12.00 News; Hum Strum 12.15 Chet Gaylord 12.30| Marjorie Mills 12.45 Marjorie Mills 1.00|News 1.15 Aunt Jenny 1.30| big Sister 1.45 News 2.00|Light of the World 2.15| Lonely Women 2.30iGulding Light 2.45| Hymns of All Churches 3.00 Marx Marlin 3.15| Lonely Women 3.30| Pepper Young 3.15| Right to Happiness 4.00| Backstage Wife 4.15|9tella Dallas 4.30 Lorenzo Joges 4.45; Young Widder Brown 5.00| Girl Marries 5.15 Portia Faces Life 6.30 Just Plain Bill 5.45 Front Page Farrell A.M. WBZA, 1030 K. 6.00| News; Sports 6.15|Dinner Music 6.30 Music for Moderns 6.45 Lowell Thomas 7.00| Fred Waring's Orches. 1.15 W. Vandercook 7.30 Just for Fun 7.45|Just for, Fun 8.00|Johnny Presents 8.15 Johnny Presents 8.30| Treasure Chest $.45 Treasoe Chest 9.00| Battle of the Sexes 9.15 Battle of the Sexes.

0.30| Fibber McGee Molly 9.45| Fibber McCo'e Molly Bob Hope Show 10.15| Bob Hope Show 10.30 Red Skelton Co. 10.45 Red Skelton Co. 11.00| News; Baseball Scores 11.15| Ghat Can I Do? 11.30 Music You Want 3: Music You Want News A.M.t 1030 4.00 New Eng. Farm Hour 6.15 New Eng. Farin Hour.

6.50 New Eng. Farm Hour. 6.40 New. Eng. Farm Hour.

1.00| News; Musical Ciock 7.15| Dress Parade 7.30 News 7.45 Revellle, 8.00| Musical Toast 8.15| Musical Toast 8.30 News 8.45 Herb Lewis, Melodeers 9.00| Mildred Carlson 9.16| Uncle Sam 9.30|Imogene W.olcott 9.45 Happy. Jack 1000 News 10.15 10.30 The Help Mate 10.45| Woman of America 11.00| Road of Life 11.15| Vic and Sade 11.30 Snow Village. 11.45| David Harum Early Edition Edition Salute: the Boot World News Devotions VFW Program Franklyn Stewart News Melodic Moments This Life Is Mine Sing Along. Landt Trio Valiant Lady Storles America Loves Morning Shopper Bachelor's Children Mary Lee Taylor Three Star Edition Notes and Footnotes Notes and Footnotes TUESDAY WMAS, 1450 K. Kate Smith 1'0 on Your Dial News To the Ladles Your Victory Garden Here Come the WAAC'S D'Artega Presents Revlewing the News Dr.

Malone News We Love and Learn Salon Swing Salon Swing; News Joe and Ethel Turp Matinee in Swingtime Matinee in Swingtime Home Reporter Home Front Reporter Matinee in Swingtime Matinee in Swingtime Matinee In Swingtime Matinee In Swingtime Uncle Sam Keep lome Fires Burn WMAS, 1450 K. Down Sports Lane News of the Hour John B. Kennedy, News World Today Words, Music Song Harry James Melody Hour American Melody Hour Lights Out Lights Out String Serenade String Serenade: Brown Burns Burns and and Allen Suspense Suspense Jazz Laboratory Jazz Laboratory' Headline News Mary 9mall, Songs News of Hour Dance Orchestra Invitation to Musio Invitat on to Music Farmers' Digest News 1 Reveille Reveille News Sacred Heart Program Morning Watch Morning Watch Westover Patrol Morning Watch Westover Morning Watch Martin Agronsky, news News Pages of Melody World News Texas Jim Robertson Radio Bazar Miracles and Melodies Radio Bazar Breakfast Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Isabell Manning Hewson Waltz Time News Morning Memories Breakfast at Sardis Breakfast at Sardis Hank Lawson's Knights Little Jack Little Plan.for Victory Drawn Up "With Backs to the Wall" Halifax Tells 'of Churchill's Decision to Strengthen Middle 3 East in 1940 CHICAGO, May 10 (AP) Lord Halfax reported today that during the dark summer of 1040 Prime Minister Churchill "begag to developo a strategic plan for victory" that culminated in the recent African triumph. Only Armored Division The British ambassador to. the United States Related that while the English had their "backs to the wall" At home, Churchill mOved to positions Middle East Against 'the time, when "we might strike at some seleoted point on the long Mediterranean coast line of Europe." He sent to the Middle Fast the only armored division that we had," othe envoy said.

"To many it seemed an almost insape act of optimism. It proved to be the highest wisdom. For the equipment sent at that time enabled us to beat off the Italian attack, and to begin that long series of operations, which have finally brought our armies into Tunis and Bizerte." Halifax told members of the Chicago Association of Commerce and the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 6.15 P.M. WSPR SALUTES C. F.

CHURCH MFG. COMPANY Preceding Hubert Kregeloh in his up-to-the-minute THE WAR" 'commentary. :8.00 A. M. Martin Agronsky in His "DAILY.

WAR JOURN'AL" broadcasting direct from Washington, D.C. Listen, to these programs. Mondays Fridays WSPR FINANCIAL Grain Market High Low Close WHEAT May 1.41½ 1.43⅞.1.44⅜ July 1.13⅛ 1.42¾ September 1.44¼ 1.43⅜ 1.43⅞-1.11 December 1.45⅜ 1.4‡¾ 1.45 CORN July. 1.05 September 1.05 December. 1.01 OATS May 6212 July September 1 December 61 61 RYE May July September 001 December 94 Wheat Acreage Off OTTAWA.

May 10 (Canadian Press) -A "further sharp decline" in Canada's wheat acreage during 1943 was indicated by an April 30 survey of farmers' intentions to plant, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics said today. It set the 1913 wheat acreage at 17,087,100 100 acres, down 21 per cent from 1912. 3 Boston Produce Market BOSTON, May 10 (A1') Jobbing prices (with wholesale prices in parentheses) today. were: Butter OPA maximum prices above 92 score (AA) 92 score (A) 90. score (B) cooking grado no grade eggs: near-by specials 43 (42); flour spring patents 3.60-4.75 corn: all rail No.

2 yellow 1.22¼; oats: all rail 40 poultry 77-78; No. 2 Timothy 24.00-25.00, potatoes: Green Mountain and Chippewas beef: sides good to choice lambs good to choice veal: good to choice poultry: dressed fowls live fowls 25; sugar: fine granulated 100 lbs. 5.60; pork loins: 8 to 12 lbs. Foreign Exchange Official Canadian control board rates U. S.

dollars: buying 10 per cent premium, selling 11 per cent premium, equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in New York of buying 9.91 per cent, selling 9.09 per cent. Canadian dollar in New York open market 9 13-16 per cent discount or 90.18¾ U. S. cents, down 1-16 of a cent, 3 Europe Great Britain official, (bankers foreign exchange committee rates) buying $4.02, selling $4.01. Latin America Argentina official.

29.77; 25.20; Brazil official 6.05n; free 5.20n; Mexico 20.66n. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated. N-nominal. NEW YORK, May 10 (AP) ing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain. in dollars, others in cents): 4 Canada Peak Egg Production WASHINGTON, 10.

(AP)-The egg production in April established at new peak with 6,727,000,000 eggs, or 12 per cent more than the previous peak production of 1942 and 36 per cent above 10-year average. Wholesale Egg Market There was. a sluggish tone to the wholesale egg market at the opening this morning. Supplies moved out in fairly good volvine but not As actively as dealers had anticipated. All grades and sizes showed relatively fine quality with fewer lower grades offered.

Volume of receipts held up well despite the rumors of producers selling off hens due to a grain shortage. Cooperative receipts and bulk sales in wholesale quantities, case lots, follow: 301 cases, Mass. specials, large at to 43c. cases heavy large and jumbos at 41 to 48c. 102 cases, Mass.

specials, mediums, brown at to 39c. 5 cases extras, large brown, at 41c. 3 cases extras. mediums, brown 26 cases Mass. specials, large white, at to 45c.

cases specials, mediums, white, at 18 cases pullets at 32 to 35c. 2 cases peewees at 25c. Total, 013: cases. RAYMOND ILES, Divisions of Markets Mass, Dept. Agriculture.

U.S. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON, May 10 (AP)-The united States Treasury net balance May 7 was $13,094,766,704.66. PROGRAM HIGH LIGHTS Talks and CommentsSidney Moseley, 11 a. Hubert Kregeloh, WSPR, 6.15 p.m.; John B. Kennedy, WMAS, 6.30 p.m.; Lowell Thomas, WBZA, 6.45 p.m.; Fulton Lewis, WHYN, 7 p.

J. W. Vandercook, WBZA, 7.15 p.m.; John Barry, WBZA, 7.45 Earl Godwin, WSPR, 8 p. Cecil Brown, WMAS, 8.55 p. R.

G. Swing, WSPR, 10 p. m. American Melody Hour -Vivian della Chiesa, Conrad- Thibault and Fivelyn MacGregor, mixed chorus and orchestra, WMAS, 7.30 p.m. Just for Fun-Variety-Quiz show with Fred and Posey, Kay Ivers and Rakov's Orchestra, WBZA, 7.30 p.m.

Lights Out Presents Arch Oboler's play "Murder in Script WMIAS, p.m. Johnny Presents Ginny -Variety program, WBZA, WTIC, 8 p.m. Al Jolson, Monty Woolley Show Comedy program, WDRC, 8.30 p.m. Duffy's Tavern With Ed Gardner, WSPR, 8.30 p.m. Horace Heidt's Treasure Chest WBZA, WTIC.

8.30 p.m. Famous Jury Trials-WSPR, 9 p.m. Battle of the Sexes With' Walter O'Keefe as quiz master, WBZA, WTIC, 9 p. m. Burns and Allen--Variety program, WMAS, 9 p.m..

Suspense -Mystery series, Paul Lucas in "Mr. Markham, Antique Dealer," WMAS, 9.30 p.m.: Fibber McGee and Molly Comedy program, WBZA, WTIC, 9.30 p.m. Bob Hope Progrant Variety show, WBZA, WTIC, 10 p.m.. This Nation at War -Story of the U. S.

Merchant Marine's training, WSPR, 10.30 p.m. Classified Ads Start Here ANNOUNCEMENTS Cemetery Lots, Monuments MEMORIALS "Barre Guild Certificate' choice of lettering and designs. Open Sundays and evenings. Springfield Memorial Co. (opp.

St. Michael's Cemetery). A. J. Siano, 4-1968.

Business Announcements ALL BURNS, moth holes, tears, rewoven. Cloth, hosiery, invisible mending. Textile Reweaving, 1211 Main. 4-7041. Est.

1899. BURNS, moth holes, tears rewoven, Invisible. Weave-O- Mend, 18 Vernon St. 4-1546. CLOGGED DRAINS Electric "Razor Kleened" or 110 charge.

No digging. Roto-Rooter. Any hour, any day. 4-3754. Florists EARLY CABBAGE.

LETTUCE and Cauliflower Plants now ready to be planted WENK'S FLORISTS GREENHOUSES 1038 Allen 9t. Store 128 Hanco*ck St. 2-1197 ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals SPIRELLA for health, style and comfort. Free demonstration. Drs.

Honians. 2-0468 or 6-7439. TRANSPORTATION wanted from ForesPark Section to Indian Motocycle, 7 a. 11 to 4 p. m.

shift, 6-3837 after 4 p. In. Lost and Found 10 BLACK white with brown head, Beagle Hound, answers to the name of Prince. Tel. 4-8431.

BLACK Gordon setter lost Friday, has bob: tail and no collar. Answers to name "Terry." Reward. 2-4811. BOSTON Terrier, all white. with Brinmarkings on back head.

Didn't have collar or. license on. My child's pet. Please return to Moran, 107 ThomSOM City. Reward.

LOST gold identification bracelet, name engraved both sides, Reward. 4-8791 1: afler 6.30. PICTURES (7) in Gold Tone envelope lost in or around McLellan's. ROSARY BEADS--Pink crystal, lost. Reward.

330 Armory St. or Tel. WILL person seen picking up black wallet return same to address in wallet or 263 Liberty St. Liberal reward. Tel.

6-1808. YOUNG mos. old, BEAGLE, female, lost black, in white Ludlow. tan, Albert 5 Mascinento, 62 Essex Ludlow. AUTOMOBILES Automohiles for Sale '42, Del.

Sedan $1195 '41. Del. Sedan 990 28 New Chevrolets On Hand Louis Chevrolet, Thompsonville, Conn. '41 Plymouth- Town Sedan $890 Chevrolet 1911 'Town Sedan $075 '41 Ford: 2-Dr. Sedan '40 Chevrolet Bus.

Coupe $685 '37 Chevrolet Sport Coupe $363 '37 Dodge 2-Dr. $395 '36 Ford. Tudor $195 WE BUY GOOD USED CARS NOR CASI A. V. REOPELL 709 State St.

Tel. 7-0251 CHEVROLET 1939 Town Sedan $650 '39 Oldsmobile Sedan 395 :39 Buick 41. Sedan 693 '39 Dodge Sedan 695 Ford Coupe De Luxe 495 '38 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe. 315 '37 Plymouth De Luxe 4-Dr. Sedan 293 PINE POINT MOTOR SALES 1666 Stale St.

Open Eves. Tel. 7-4333 CHEV. 1938-Coach, very good condition, also small utility trailer. 114 Clayton Street.

CHEV. Special Del. Club Coupe, excellent condition. Price $925. Arthur L.

Center, 500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115, CHEVROLET 1941 Sepcial Deluxe 4-door Sedan, good tires, excellent condition. Price $900. 147 Tenth St. CHEVROLET Coupe, 1st class $825.00.

Tel. 2-3652 days only. DODGE, 1936, $105 and 1932 Plymouth, $75. Both have radios, heaters and new tires. Tel.

DODGE SEDAN. 4-Dr. with large trunk, good tires, $275., private party. Mr. Kerrigan, 150 Boston Road.

DODGE COACH '35. new battery, radio, heater. Call 7-0977. FORD 1935-De Luxe Tudor, radio, heater, looks like new. 218 Western Westfield.

Tel. 2236-M. FORDS FORDS FORDS All Cash or easy terms. Open evenings. D.

N. Ackerman. 48 Willow St. FORD '42-COUPE SEDAN, driven 4000 miles. Many extras.

$100 off list. 30 other makes models, all prices. Byrnes, Dodge-Plymouth Dealers, 34 Sumner near Long Hill St. 6-7233. FORD, 1937, 4-door sedan, good condition, $225.

243 Winsor West Springfield. OLDS. 1933 SEDAN, A-1 condition. good rubber. Full price.

Tel. Southwick 11 after 5 p. m. PACKARD 1939 120, 4-Dr. Sedan, R.

mile- good tires, paint-upholstery. Low Priced reasonable for quick sale. Tel. age, suitable for carring passenger. ITolyoke 2-0873.

PLYMOUTH COUPE '38-In nice shape, tires. almost new, priv. owned. Inq. rear Green Gables, 305 River Agawam.

PLYMOUTH Coupe, low mileage, like new. Call 7-9149. PLYMOUTH 1940 good tires, $483. Private owner. Seen at Service Center, cor.

Pynchon Columbus Ave. GOOD used cars, fair prices, Auto Center. 67 Locust Street. USED. CARS--A good selection, all types, early late models, $73 to $1150.

Automobile Sales, 95 Liberty, next Ry. Sta. Trucks for Sale 11A AUTO-CAR for sale, ton, good body Call good hoist. 60 Norwood City. after 6:00 p.

nt. DODGE Pickup 'and (4) dump trucks. Good condition, good tires. J. J.

Mattes Stafford Springs, Conn, Tel. 247. Motorcycles and Bicycles BICYCLES, "Columbla Built" There is no rationing on bicycle tires and tubes. Chas Broad Tire 77 Dwight St. BOY'S BICYCLE, very good condition.

Price $20. Call 6-6434. FOR SALE-3 hikes, man's and woman's, $20 each. 690 Longmeadow Longmeadow. Tel.

2-3424. MOTORCYCLE 1941 (Indian of Dispatch New Eng. Low), Garage, good 230 Memorial West shape. Trailways Spild. Auto Accessories PROLONG the life of your car and parts save gas and oil by replacing the hand worn at all with our Rebuilt Carburetors, Fuel; water rebuilt parts.

On times. pumps. Clutches Clutch plates. Reflecresilvered while you wait. modern We ma- can tors rebuild any car part in our chine shop.

GENDEN BROS. "PARTS FOR ALL CARS' 2387 Main at Morgan. Wanted- Automobiles ALL MAKES of USED CARS TRUCKS, C. 1936 'Nowak to 316 Meadow Willi1942. Immediate CASH.

J. mansett. ANY late model purchased immediately. No. mobile Dealer, 510 Main St.

6-9294. waiting. Young Motor AUTOMOBILES wanted, spot Cohen, cash, 593 high- Main St. est Open evenings. Tel.

4-8894. prices paid. Louis PRICES on late models, All BEST makes. J. C.

BYRNES, 34. Sumner Ave. CASH CASH FOR ALL MODEL USED CARS KELLEHER MIXER 404 ST. JAMES AVE. TEL 3-3116 FORDS other makes, late models, 3-1115 highest prices.

Center's, 500 Columbus, HIGHEST prices paid for 1937 to 1939 446 automobiles. Dunn Motor Sales, Main St. LATE PAID PROMPTLY. F. L.

Sanford MODEL CARS WANTED. CASH 618 State St. Tel. LATE MODELS, all makes, top: 7-4333. prices, Pine Point Motors, 1560 State St.

TRUCK wanted, Chevrolet or ton. G.M.C., Warren long wheel base, pick up to 1 Fabucs West Warren, Mass. USED -Immediate cash for any 721 good car. Ralph D. Jones, Worthington St.

USED CARS WANTED- -See us at once. 883 Will. Main pay cor. Winthrop St. Open eves.

cash. Warriner-Pontiac, WILL BUY late model cars. 6-6623. Eaton's Service Station, 820 White BUSINESS SERVICES Exterminators 18 SYSTEM, INC. EXTERMINATORS Materials.

Est. -FUMIGATORS 1900 1604 Main Service St. Rm. 218 Tel. 3-4021 Building--Contracting 19 ALL CONS'T, new.

repairs, carpentry, flooring, ceiling, garages, screens, estimates. 6-8922. Building, Repairing. Alterations and Carpentry. E.

Dahlke, Tel. 2-6742. CARPENTRY WORK -BUILDING REPAIRING. 7-2737 AFTER O'CLOCK. CHIMNEY'S roofs, fireplaces, built repaired.

Lee's Construction 7-2903. Reupholstering 21A EXPERT FACTORY. UPHOLSTERING LOWEST PRICES BUDGET TERMS 3-PC. LIVING ROOM SET, $49 DIVANS, $26 CHAIRS, $15. Rebuilt, Refilled, Recovered, Refinished NEW SET GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES CALL 6-3836 CROWN UPHOLSTERY 30 TAYLOR REUPHOLSTER your 3-piece living room suite.

Factory method, guaranteed, rebuilt, reinished, restyled reupholstered. $14 up. Phone Mr Shatz, 7-3533. Piano Tuners 22A EXPERT tuning upright $3. Grand $4.

25 yrs. exp. General repairing moth proofing. Work guaranteed. G.

J. Ellsworth, 3-0163. Repairing 23 PAINTING Inside out, paperbanging floor sanding. Price reas. Tel.


Painting--Papering 23 PAINTING, roofing, siding. Licensed. Insured. Tel. 2-7854.

PAINTING paperhanging, 20 years experience. Tel. 4-5545, John Paradise. PAINTING "Inside and outside, paperhanging and general repairs. Work guaranteed and insured at reasonable Free estimates.

Real Estate MaintenanceCo, Tel. 4-7388. Painting and paperhanging. new ceilinge. new floors, first class work, Men insured.

6-3391. Moving--Trucking--Storage ANDERSON BENSON CORP. 2-8166. Furniture piano moving. local long distance.

Storage. 270 Liberty St. MOVING J. SULLIVAN "THE MOVER INC." TEL. "-2168 383 LIBERTY ST.

REFRIGERATORS, RANGE MOVING f*ck's Transfer, Inc. Since 1880. 3-5147. Professional Services 27 ELECTROLYSIS--OF all facial blemishes there is rarely one 80 annoying, as Superfluous Hair. 'Permanent removal.

Sadie F. Bohling, 1331 Main Room 503. Tel. 3-4070. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 A CASIIIER (knowledge of bookkeeping), (married or single), (28 to 40 years), $30 to $10 week.


TYPIST wk. COMP. OPR. 5 110. exp.

wk. 3 CLERICAL, 110 wk. Nation Wide, 1200 Main St. Enter on Statp. BAKER and pastry cool.

cook's assistant, woman for general cleaning, bus girls, part time, 11 A. M. P. M. Personal interview desired.

Georgian Cafeteria, 146 Bridge St. BEAUTY wanted. (all OPERATOR 2-5800 or 2-5063. hairdresser BEAUTY week and commission. 7-0771.

BOOKKEEPER-Permanent for experienced bookkeeper, capable of taking complete charge of books and general office work. Our employes know the publication of this ad. Write Box 831, Union Office. BOOKKEEPER TYPIST WANTED, full time. Apply 593 Dwight St.

or Tel. LOOKKEEPER position for girl with experie operating Sunstran bookkeeping machine. Steady joh and good wages. Apply P. O.

Box 1411, SpAd. State experience. reference wages. BOOKKEEPER and medical secretary, short hand and typing, responsible person, references. Box 766.

Union Office. CAFETERIA HELP. WANTED COUNTER GIRLS BUS GIRLS WOMEN COOKS WOMEN DISHWASHERS Steady work. Meals Uniforms furnished. Waldorf System 1553 Main St.

CASHIERS, any age, full- or part time, pleasant work, good wages. Apply Mr Trigger, Riverside Park, 7-1438. CHAMBERMAIDS WANTED Apply Housekeeper, Hotel Charles. CHAMBERMAIDS Bath wanted. Steady work.

Good 1 pay. Apply" housekeeper, Iotel Worthy. CHAMBERMAIDS wanted, $13. a week. Tel.

4-9318. CLEANING WOMAN--One day a week, no laundry, no floors to wax, $4. Call 2-7295. COLORIST Experienced, wanted for photographic studio. Call 4-7070.

COUNTER GIRL for part time. New England Cafeteria, 800 State Street. DISHWASHER to operate elec. machine, soda fountain, and assist in general duties. Liggett's, 1411.

Main St. ELEVATOR GIRL' APPLY HOTEL WORTHY FUR FINISHERS wanted. Steady work, excellent wages. Morris Fur Storage 6-7351. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 6, hours daily, 4 days a week.

40c an hour, references. 115 Forest Park Are. GIRL or young woman to answer. telephone in office. Hours 9 to 4, Saturdays optional.

Write Box 823. Union Office. GIRLS WANTED-16 years ever for ice cream packaging work in modern dairy plant. Good working condition, steady employment. H.

P. Hood Sons, 302 Locust Street. GIRL wanted, mother's helper, part or full time. Good home pay. Call GIRLS--To learn hairdressing.

BurrebyRose Beauty Academy, 1433 Main St. GIRL to hell, with housework after school and Saturdays. Longmeadow. 4-0039. GIRLS WANTED FOR BINDERY WORK NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FULL, C.R PART TIME 48 HOURS WEEK TIME ONE HALF OVER APPLY MR.


ST. GIRL, over 21, high school graduate preferred for shift work. Very clean job. $37 week to start. MUST have car to get to and from work.

See Mrs. Fepyne at United States Employment Service. 289 Dwight St. BRING THIS ADVERTIsem*nT WITH YOU. GIRLS for bakery sales work.

Apply Federal Bake Shop, 1338 Main St. GIRLS (4), experience not employes need not. apply. Well's. Launsteady work, good pay, essential dry, 61 Franklin St.

PAY, good home. 23 Spruceland Ave. GIRL for gen. housework, EXCELLENT 3-5928, GIRLS to operate power sewing machines. M.

G. Kinsler 317 Dwight St. GIRL or neat to work on soda fountain, or. more nights week. 5 to 11 p.

11; or. 12 p. n1. to 7 p. m1, Must be.

21 years old. Liegett's, 1411 Main St. GIRLS-16 over, exp. learners for light sewing on blouses underwear, also pressers examiners, factory noted for all year around work. Bliss Undergarment 165 Front Mass.

GIRLS -For kitchen work, experienced High- or inexperience, part or full time. land Hotel. 4 GIRLS, 18 to 35, retail full or part time. Experience not essential. Good hours, Salary equal to man's.

Western Auto Supply 369 Worthington St. HAIRDRESSERS' Operators, good hours. Salary, Comm. Bonus. Roby's, 1433 Main.

HAIRDRESSER or operator. Steady job. $30 week commission. Poli Beauty Shop, 190 Worthington St. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 5 days a week.

Call Chicopee 431W, after 5.30 p. m. HOUSEKE 3 adults, employed, nice home neighborhood. Post Office Box 62. West Springfield.

HOUSEKEEPER--Plain cooking, no laundry, sleep in. $90 monthly. Write Box 834, Union Office. HOUSEKEEPER wanted in family of 2 adults. No laundry.

Excellent wages. P. O. Box 180, South Deerfield, Mass. HOUSEKEEPER for 2.

adults, a good home rather than high wages, Tel. 2-7520. LAUNDRESS-1 day a week, $5. References. Phone 2-9419.

LAUNDRY ASSISTANT Children's Study Home, 03 Buckingham St. Hours 8 to 4 p. m. Live in or out. 7-3549.

MAID for housekeeping duties in hospital. Salary maintenance. City Infirmary, 1400 State St. Tel. 2-7501.

MAID for general housework, plain cooking. No Jaundry. 2 in family. Tel. 6-8651.

223 Forest Park Avenue. NIGHT NURSE WANTED TEL. 6-3601. Gibbs, Singer machines, Steady work, Cheerful surroundings. Patricia Undergarment 123 Main St, OPERATORS WANTED on sewing machines.

Victoria Dress 36 Dwight St. PRACTICAL nurse, competent for perm. pos. Excellent home, live in. 3-0949.

SALESLADY-Experienced. Steady position. Apply mornings. Cinderella Kiddie Shop, 1890 Main Street. SALESLADY for cosmetic dept.

Must be over 21 yrs. Liggett's, 1411 Main St. SEAMSTRESSES and fitters wanted. Specialty Dress Shop, 353 Bridge St. 8 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 TELEPHONE Operator, 1st class Apply Chief Operator, Hotel Kimball.

TYPISTS- -Excellent opportunity to become linotype operators. Steady work. Classes starting immediately. Pay whlle. learning.

Apply 16 Fort St. WAITRESSES--Good wages, No Sunday work. McLellans, 1439 Main St. WAITRESS WMAS, 1450 K. WHYN, 1400 K.

Morning Melodiea; New Sacred Heart Program HI. Neighbor HI. Neighbor News Breakfast Breakfast Hour Breakfast Hour Breakfast Hour Movie Revue 1400 Club 3 1400 Club News; 1400 Club 1400 Club Birthday Box 1400 Club News; 1400. Club 1400 Club Yankee House Party Yankee House Party WHYN. 1400 K.

Boake. News Your 12.15 Data News Theater News Romantic: Duet: News Merry-Go-Round Merry-Go-Round Yankee Kitchen 1st Race, Narragansett Harvey Bourez, Salovox Stanley Dixon, News Keys to Melody: Shady Valley Folks Shady Valley Folks Background for News Across the Footlights Ice Cubes and Margaret Len Salvo, Organist News Ballroom the. Air Ballroom of the Air Superman: WHYN, 1400 K. News Minute Melodies Let's Go Out Tonight Perenade Fulton Lewis, Jr. Looking at the World Holyoke War Nurses Smith College Players The Cisco Kid The Cisco Kid Pass in Review.

FF. Pass in 1 Review Gabriel Dance Orchestra Dance Orchestra Dance Orchestra John B. Hughes Dance Orchestra Uncle Sam Music That Endures News Dance Orchestra Sinfonietta Sinfonietta WHYN, 1400 K. Modern Melodies; Newa Sacred Heart Program Hi, Neighbor Hi, Neighbor News Breakfast Breakfast Hour Breakfast Hour Breakfast Hour Movie Revue 1400 Club 1400 Club News; 1400. Club 1400 Club Birthday Party 1400 Club News 1400 Club Yankee Yankee House House Party Music While You Work Jim's Victory Garden String Melody Time.

Melody Time The O'Neill Help Mate A Woman of America Road of Life Vic and Sade Snow Village David Harum SOONG REPORTS TO ROOSEVELT Chinese Minister Tells of War Situation WASHINGTON, May 10 -Dr. T. V. Soong Chinese foreign minister, made a report to President Roosevelt today on the military situation in his country, preparatory to leaving soon for London. Explaining his trip across the Atlantic, Dr.

Soong told reporters that his government wants him to be "more in contact with Britain." He said he has been almost. constantly in the United States since July 1940. Dr. Soong said the newspapers are doing an admirable job of reporting the fighting in China, but explained that absence of news on the military situation there did not mean that battling has let up. "The lines," he said, very scattered and run like a jigsaw puzzle.

There is constant fighting going on." Boston Wool Market BOSTON, May 10 (AP') (U. S. Dept. in the Boston Wool Market continued extremely quiet toSome lambs' wool from the Midwest: was received on consignment. South Purchasing Dakota of small lots of semibright wools was reported at a grease price of 41 cents to growers.

STEEL SHIPMENTS NEW YORK, May 10 (AI') Shipments of finished steel products by subsidiaries of the United States Steel Corporation amounted to 828 net tons in April, compared with 1,772,397 in March and 1,758,894 net in April, 1042, the corporation announced today. GETS DEFENSE POST OTTAWA, May 10 (AP). Appointment of Brig. W. W.

Foster of Vancouver as special commissioner for defense projects in Northwest Canada was announced today in the House of Commons by Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie LaPaz, capital of Boliva, is at an altitude of 12,000 feet, the highest capital in the world. Legal Notices CITY OF SPRINGFIELD In Board of Aldermen, April 26, 1943 ORDERED, that the Rules of the Road approved September 8. 1936, AS amended, be further amended by inserting in Section 16 (a) of Article 7 the following: FORT PLEASANT: Beginning at a point 160 feet southerly of the southerly curb of Leete Street thence running southerly for feet.

A true copy of an order passed by the Board of Aldermen and approved by the Acting Mayor, April 26, 1943. Attest: CLIFFORD F. City Clerk. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD In Board of Aldermen, April 26, 1943 ORDERED, that the Rules of the Road approved Neptember 8, 1936, amended, be further amended by 'inserting in Section 3 (a) of Article the following: MAIN STREET: Westerly side, beginning at the southerly curb of Cypress Street thence running southerly for 17 feet. A true copy of an order passed by the Board of Aldermen and approved by the Acting Mayor, April 26.

.1343, Attest: CLIFFORD F. SMITH, City Clerk. i Position most 'attractive to a woman seeking mid-day employment. Pleasant surroundings and satisfactory, renumeration. Sundays or holidays.

EVELYN ZOLLARS Woman Shop Bldg. WAITRESS 785. State St, Leigh tons Restaurant. WAITRESS, Cook, Cashier, Chambermaid. ABC Employment, 3281 Worthington.

WAITRESS for restaurant, $20 week. Park Lunch, 754. Sumner Ave. 6-9288. WAITRESS WANTED.

APPLY HOTEL WORTHY. WAITRESS--For day work, good pay. Rockingham Cafe, 483 State St. WAITRESSES wanted. Good pay.

Meals included. Canton Restaurant, 111 Worthington St. WAITRESS -Part hours 11 a. m. Elm to 3 D.

mn. $10 weekly, The Elm, 7 St. WAITRESS WANTED, 5 days a week, good wages. Elliot Dining Room, 31 Maple St. WOMEN for rooming house work, hours 9 to 1.

Sundays and holidays off. 52 High St. Tel. 6-2989. WOMEN (2) WANTED for cleaning.

Ap: ply Housekeeper. Hotel Sheraton. Those employed in essential industry need not apply. WOMAN--To clean dining room in restaurant. part 1677 Main WOMAN--Experience not necessary, full or part time as chambermaid, good pay.

steady, pleasant work. This is classed as essential work, Hotel WOMAN--Experienced reliable for house cleaning by day. 87: Marengo' Pk. 3-3756. WOMAN WANTED -For cleaning, ing work Apply Bijou Theater, WOMAN to assist with housework.

3 hours every morning. References. Call 4-4729, WOMAN for cleaning work in bakery. Good pay. Liberty Bakery, 799 Liberty St.

WOMAN wanted for full time counter work. Please call in person for interview. Shea Cleaners. 629 Main Street. WOMAN between 25 and 35 years of age to assist in the making of pies, Favorable working hours.

Box 552 Union. Office. WOMAN--To To work in drug store, experience not necessary. Apply Box 743, WOMEN for outside saleswork. Can earn ($10) daily.

Hitchco*ck Rm. 212. A PERMANENT future for energetic matured women. Full or part time a.t or from home. Do not phone.

Write WardStilson 73 Washington Spfid. AT HANLEY'S-Cashier 30-40 good wages. married or single, also clerical atenographic positions open. 74 Hillman. AT -Housekeeper for Maine Hotel.

Will train. Also parlor maids, waitresses. (Above positions for summer hotels). 74 BAKERY. porters.

Good pay, light work, days. Apply in person. 799 Liberty St. CAPABLE GIRL or for general helper. Permanent home with good wages.

Box 728. Union Office. EXPERIENCED General maid, 4 in family. No laundry. Live in.

References, Longmeadow. Tel. 4-7444. EXPERIENCED counter girl and checker. Steady, good pay.

Cleaners. EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper with collection experience. Small business. Write Post Office. Box 1851, Springfield, Mass.

EXPERIENCED salesgirl for ladies' skirts, blouses and all small wear. apply unless experienced. Good salary, Grayson's. 1373 Main St. FOR HOLYOKE STORE--Full or part time.

tailoress-saleslady. 822. Union Office. F. W.

WOOLWORTH CO. Offers permanent employment or inexperienced. for: 7. SALESLADIES AND WAITRESSES NO SUNDAYS, HOLIDAY OR NIGHT WORK 1. Married or single women for full or part-time work welcome.

We offer' convenient part-time work for housewives, from 10. a. to 3 p. m. It.

you are inexperienced we will train you. Waitresses are furnished free, uniforms and meals. Good starting salary and advancement, SEE MISS PENNA, W. WOOLWORTH 1454 MAIN. HILLCREST HOSPITAL, Pittsfield, Mass.

School of Practical Nursing, 18 months course, complete bed side cafe of Medical, Surgical, Pediatric and Obstetrical Patients, also' operating room and delivery room experience. For, further of information write the Principal Nurses. LADY -Would you like an opportunity for immediate earnings, A substantial income. security independence--Then apply ROOM 310, 145 STATE ST. MIDDLE- AGED SALESLADIES Good Opportunity Full Time or -Time Work 'We Will Train You in Selling Curtains.


295 WANTED GIRLS for cafeteria. Apply Worthington St. for general housework. References desired. Phone 7-3388.



EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 282 DWIGHT ST. Those: now engaged not in apply. War Work need YOUNG LADY for soda fountain luncheonett. Full timic. Must be over 21.

Ligsett'e, 1411 Main. St. TOUNG WOMAN- With license for delivery and general atore work. E. B.


Apply Western Auto Suply, Warehouse. 201 Rowland Street. YOUNG WOMEN, 18-30, to learn arc welding. This 18 a well paying trade. The: work is light and Interesting and you will be- paid while being trained.

Our, next class starts soon. Apply Cheney Bigelow Wira Works, 417 Liberty. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Male ASSISTANT 2d- cooks. Apply Highland Hotel, Hillman St.o BAR MANAGER over 45, experience abeolutely necessary. Must have good reputation and background.

Reference required. Top salary. P. 0. Box 214, Springfield.

BARBER WANTED--Good pay. Must be young man. Sumner Ave. BARBERS-3 more wanted $35 per. week plus commissions, 8.30.

an. to 5:45 p.m. daily, Up to $50 week. Callo Westover. Field; Chicopee Falls, Extension 467 or Jiolyoke 5841 after.

4 p.m. BARBER: WANTED--Must be 1st class." No other need, apply Shop, 411 Dickinson St. Teb 2-1919. 0 BARTENDER -Cooks, dishwasher, waiters, houscmen. ABO Worthington, A ary ager, BARTENDER "Hotel room Fridgway.


0 BOTS 16 TEARS OVER MILTON CO. 74 PARK ST. 0 BOYS (16) or over for. order dept. Rm, 211, 1563 Main 7.30-8.30 a.m.' 5-6 p.m.

only. BOY for general advertising dept. work. Na experience necessary. Can learn 8.

very useful peacetime trade. Apply, L. Asher, between 9 and 12 o'clock. 1330 Main St, BOTS-16 years or over to Work in shipping room, full time. Whitley-Trailleurs, 395 Dwight St.


CLERK WANTED to work package store. Daft exempt. Inquire Park PackPre Store, 521 Stare St. CLOTHING SALESMAN. BOX 820), UNION OFFICE.

COLD MEAT MAN and kitcheno nia01, dishwasher. Apidy chef. Hotel Kimball. COUNTER MAN, also truck driver, enced, Apply McLellan's Meat Dept. DELIVERY BOY or girl with license.

Apply E. Atmus co. 109 Dwight St. DRUGGIST. regigered 'or asst.

registered, or part time. 1411 Mar St. DUMP TRUCK driver foR 5-ton International. Local airport work. Apply in person after 6 p.

M. A. Cuzzone, 41 Clark St. Elcotrical Perm. $3-4000.

VT. Underwrier Permanent 025. -3000. yr. NATION WIDE 1200 Main.


Carpet Mill, Ware. Tel. Ware chef. top, wages, Kelly's I Lobster House, FULL-TIME or experienced Jace, 'lolyoke. GAUGE anD Tool makers.

highest pay do top men including bonus, ideal working conStions. Apply to U. S. Empl. Service, 282 Dwight St -Industrial 48 Hampden cor.

Columbus Ave. 6-6948. GARAGE MAN, over 38, Tor wash, polish and Libricate. Essential work. J.

C. Byrnes, 34 piumner GOOD CARPENTERS WANTED BUCHOLZ SIGN 32 TAYLOR ST. HELPER wanted in nursery greenhouses. Gilbert' so Td. HELPERS In bakery wanted, $8 week.

Experience Central St. ssary. McCarthy's HOUSEMAN WANTED- Essential. Apply. Housekeeper, Hotel Charles.


6-4277 between 9 and 5 ToWn. JANITOR or couple. 6-day week, room and hoard or may live outside, good pay, For interlew Springfield Jewish Home for the Aged. Tel. 3-1149.

JANITOR. part time stoker heat. Must he handyman. Mr. J.

Richards, 2 Har-. ripan Holyoke. JANITOR OR COUPLE. 6-DAY WEEK, room and hoard or may. live outside, rood.



Hillman St. KITCHEN MAN for general $25. Cafe Midway, 636 Page Blvd. KITCHEN MAN- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 140 HIGH ST. LABORERS -Apply on job.

Three Mid-State Wrecking Inc. LABORERS wanted for essential construction work: in war effort. 6 mos. work with considerable overtime at union rates. Those not engaged in essential war.

work apply at our 1694 Main St. or. Tel, Ernest F. Carison, Inc. LABORERS--Familiar with lawn, garden And construction work, Good rate ol pay.

Call in person, Tony A. Gagliarducel Sons, 246 Mill St. LABORERS for icing and cleaning pansenger cars. Either full or part time ployment. High school and college or those employed in other tries acceptable tor part time employer ment.

Opportunity for advancement. ply to Mr J. Fitzgerald, General Car Fore-, man, N. HI. R.

R. lumbus at Bridge SpAd. LINOLEUM layer's helper, to learn the trade. Excellent opportunity to make good wages. See Mr.

Coleman 3 to 5 p.m, Monday and Tuesday, Loeh. Mansfield, 157 Bridge St. MAINTENANCE MAN -Permanent position, Apply 6th Floor. Stillman's. 1 MAN TO LEARN FOUNTAIN OPERATION Excellent working condition.

good opportunity. Apply Mr. Jolly, 8. Kresge 1534 Main St. MAN- Who is handy to work around hotel, no age limit if you are healthy active, steady, good pay.

Hotel Victoria. MAN for wash room, high wages, clean pleasant working conditions. It now employed in eagential work, do not apply. Belmont Laundry, 337 Belmont Ave. MAN WANTED to service drink vending machines.

Good opportunity, steady work. Inquire 100 Pleasant Ave. MAN- Mid for porter and maintenance work. Steady position, good wages. Liggett's, cor.

Main Bridge St. MAN WANTED AD helper: delivering 1c4 either part or full time. American Ice Fuel 63 Bancroft. MAN for general apartment work. 880 manager at 156 Maple that Churchill's decision would "take its place among the great events of history." He termed the victory a turningpoint in the war, and attributed it to "the gallantry of your men and ours," the co-operation of all forces and the skill and daring of the Allied Straight From Goebbels: Apparently in reference to German charges that the Russians assassinated 10,000 Polish officers and men near Smolensk the ambassador said "this latest tale comes straight from Goebbels." the Nazi propagandist, who, he said, A was "working overtime" split the Allies.

Halifax predicted Poland again would "take her rightful place among the free nations of the world," and added that "we can hope for no secure or settled peace until Poland has been reborn." He stated "we shall all deplore the recent rift between Poland and Rugsia," and that earnest efforts were being made to restore friendly relations between them. Says U.S. Controls Will Be Prolonged Schram Warns Against Their Permanence ATLANTA, May 10 (AP) Emil Schram, president of the New York Stock Exchange, predicted today that Government controls would of necessity be prolonged beyond the end of war, and warned against letting them become permanent. Addressing a. meeting of the Atlanta Rotary Club, Schram said it was necessary in time' of war for the Government.

to enter many fields of. activity that private business could not undertake. But, he added, private industry has done "a magnificent job" in the war effort. "It is highly encouraging that the economic system of free: enterprise working 90. effectively in this cmergency," he said.

Protests Over Railroad 1 Whistles Are Overruled May 10 (AT') The Maine Public Utilities Commission today dismissed the petition of John Sloat and nine other residents of. Presque Isle complaining against the "unwarranted whistling" of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's locomotives while approaching five grade crossings in that city. "Public safety," the commission said, "requires the continuance of warning signals to motect the pedes. trians and vehicles which seem to use the crossings extensively. No alternative warning measures seem feasible at this time." Ja.

1 Ar A.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.