War Diary of 1st Royal Tank Regimemt 1945 (2024)

War Diaries of 1st Bn RoyalTank Regiment.

April 1945

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col O.R.C. Hobart OBE. MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

METELEN 640935

Apr 1)

Regiment moved to concentration areaMETELEN. The object to protect the centre line from the cross roads at 640935 a distance of 6 miles west..


Little happened all day until 18.30 when the Brigadier of Corps arrived to see the CO. He informed the CO that we had intercepted German orders for three regiments to counter attack through our area from the north and Northwest. The situation was relieved by 4 Armoured Brigade who captured Octrup


Regiment remained in concentration area.




The Regiment advanced through Bourgsteinfurt, Tectenburg, Halen with the task of protecting the centre line from Helen to Hinter, with the 2 Devons in support. Dispositionsfor the night, A Sqn Hinter, C Sqn Helen, B Sqn Wersen, Recce protection N of Helen



Recce patrols push north to the left flank. A Sqn was ordered to recce forward to the bridges over the Weser, and the Ems Canal to Branen. A Sqn bridges were found to be blown. Recce found two bridges over the tributaries to the river prepared fro demolition but intact.

Bagrep: 2 x 88 mm guns; 5 x 40 mm guns, 3 x 20 mm guns; PW 1 offr and 39ORs..

1100We were ordered forward with 2 Devons in sp to protect the CL between Hunteburg 3626 and Lemfurde 4339. C Sqn remained in occupation of Helen until relieved by 8 H whose task it was to cover all bridges. Loons - A SqnLemfurde, B Sqn, RHQ and Recce in Reininden 3927, C Sqn Hunteburg. Orders were later received to extend protection to Lembruch 4337. Single enemy planes were active along the CL and dropped anti-personnel bombs.
2000Orders were received for the following day’s advance east to captureNienburg, with 5 RTR protection left on the main road to the north.


Possible route: - Stemsholm 4228, Lebanan at 9246. "C" Squadron leading "A" Squadron, "B" Squadron in reserve. Each leading Squadron had a platoon of 1 Rifle Bde under command. 300 prisoners of war were taken. No opposition was met as far as Kerchdorf where a report was received that 30 SS men armed with bazookas and small arms were determined to hold Barenberg at 7247. The CO decided to screen to the left and move on, but at 11.00 orders were received to change direction Northeast since the 11 Armoured Division had moved over to the left and were fighting in the area of our objective.

Our new centre line was Barenberg, Siedenberg, and Hoya. By 14.00 Barenberg was cleared. Sulingen was not yet cleared by 5th RTR. It was by-passed.

The Regiment made firm at 20.30 in the area 8859. The CO decided to push on to Hoya in the hope that the bridge might be intact.


"A" Squadron passed through straight down the centre line flat out with all guns blazing. Light opposition was met, but the advance was delayed by two roads blocked which had to be cleared. Two bridges were seen to be blown up at 05.00. In conjunction with 2 Devons, the Regiment made firm at Hoya 9448, Hokum 9465, and the area 9062.


The Brigade Commander visited and issued orders. The Regiment was given the task of clearing the area north of Hoya as far as the bridge at 884898. Having done this the Regiment was to establish its self in the area Mursum 9084, Wulmsturm 9183, Blendr 9482, Martfeld 9178, RHQ at Hustedt 9178. Having made firm the Regiment was then to recce forward to discover whether the bridges over the river Weser were intact. 9884898 (7); 905873 (6); 955863 (5); 970821 (4); 000821 (3); 003815 (2); 982774 (1).


Hustedt area, 9178;The Regiment moved off at 11.30, opposition was slight, mostly from snipers, all the houses had to be cleared, and 200 prisoners taken. PW seemed to appear from odd places and "A" Echelon took quite a few as they moved on behind us. Normally a PW gave himself up as soon as troops entered the building where he was hiBden.

The situation concerning the bridges was (1) 982774 found blown by a patrol of 2 Devons, (2) 003815 and (3) 000821 could not be approached as (4) was was strongly protected by bazooka men, snipers, and SP guns, the bridge (5) at 955863 could not be recced as Intschede at 9485 was held, the bridge (6) at 905873 proved not to be blown, the bridge (7) at 884898 could not be approached as the ground was very open and covered by three SP guns, and infantry from dug in positions on the opposite bank of the river.

Responsibilities for the recce were:- (1) 2 Devons, (2) and (3) and (4) - Recce Troop, (5) C Sqn, (6) and (7) - A Sqn. 8 H on our left was given Bridge (7) as their objective but made little progress.

The night was spent as follows. A Sqn and 2 Coy 2 Devons - Martfeld 8967. RQ -Hustedt. The Bde Comd visited the RHQ at 1900 hrs and ordered us to completely clear the area E of 87 Grid. 2 Devons took E of the road Holtum 9179 - Martfeld - Hoya. Claims - 70PW, 40 killed, SA dump captured.


Hustedt at 9178. "A" Squadron had the leader’s tank brewed at 903855 by one of 3 SP guns, two of which were engaged and knocked out by Lt McGregor.. The third moved off to Holtorf Lunnen 6886. A Sqn then succeeded in reaching bridge (7) and found it no good. Bridge (6) was seen blowing up at 1600 hrs. B Sqn moved W to establish themselves at Beppen 8983. No opposition and NTR from patrol sent out to located the remaining SP guns. C Sqn cleared Inshede, then turned SE to clear Rehr 9584 and Ritzenbergen 9683. Recce Trp and Carriers C Coy 1 RB encountered snipers in and nearVarste 9581 and Oista 9580. RB lost several wounded and 2 dead, we lost one dead and 2 missing. The missing swanned straight into Varste in a Devon’s jeep and were not seen again.

There were a large number of SP guns swanning all over the place, making it obvious that the enemy wanted to keep bridge (4) open oppositeVerien. The day was conspicuous for the large number of artillery targets presented to us under the easiest conditions. At 1700 hrs the OC C Sqn got downto the river at 976835.

Claims:- 2 SP guns, 4 x 40 mm guns, 2 x 20 mm guns, 30 PW, many dead.

1700 CO reported to Bde for orders which were to hold firm include Thedinghsn 8686, include oiste 9580 and also to arrange a fire plan to deceive the enemy into believing that an attack was being put in on Verden bridge. The following day we were to advance under commmand 131 Inf Bde to captureDelmenhorst.



The CO issued orders for Sqns to hold firm and as our gunners were moved from under comd, harassing fire was organised on enemy gun sites etc on the E bank of the river. At 1430 hrs, a Bn of KSOB arrived to take over the area. On entering Amedorf 9583, which had been cleared, when 2 Devons moved out at 1030 hrs they came under concentrated MG and small arms fire and suffered cas. C Sqn were ordered to extricate them, which they did without loss.

1545A Honey patrol which had been placed in observation at 950800 reported that they had been ambushed, that one tank had been KOd and the other was now surrounded by bazooka men and Inf. C Sqn was immediately ordered to give fire sp with their 95 mm tanks and a section of carriers from KOSB was sent to drive off the enemy inf. In the meantime the remaining Honey succeeded in breaking out but remained in observation until the baled out crews of the other one had gone to ground. Eventually the enemy was driven off. 3 out of 4 of the crew of the Honey got back and the tank was recovered. The fourth member reported back to the Regt two days later.
1700The Regt moved off for Twistringen to coem under comd 131 Inf Bde. The route went through thick country which had not been previously cleared. On the way, the brakes of one tank failed and it collided with the tank in front. This resulted in the gun going off and Lt MacGregor was wounded so severely that he later died of wounds. The CO having preceded the Regt contacted Bde HQ and gave orders for the Regt to move on to Beckeln 5774 where they made fim for the night, arriving at 1930 hrs.



At 0o800 hrs and 0830 hrs B and C Sqns respectively moved N with the object of establishing themselves, B Sqn at 551778 and C Sqn at Grossenkohren 6776.

This having been achieved without opposition by 1000 hrs, the CO was issued with the following orders, to be carried out in conjunction with 2Devons:-

1. To capture and occupy Harpstedt 5771.

2. Open the road Harpstedt - Wildshausen 4778.

3. Open the road Harpstedt - Delmenhorst 5895.

4. Open the road Harpstedt - Bassum 6672.

The CO decided to do this in the following manner. C Sqn Task 1 and then to occupy the high ground at 5279. A Sqn to establish itself on the high round 5779 preparatory to carrying out task 3. B Sqn to establish itself at 559788 preparatory to carryingout task 2. A Coy 2 Devons sp these ops with a platon with each sqn.

As the enemy withdrew from Wildshausen, 5 DG were ordered to carry out Task 2. This released B Sqn for Task 3 in which they were sp by A Sqn from hull-down positions. After about 6 kilos opposition was met from a road block covered by bazooka men and inf and light mortar fire. At 1600 hrs one tank was brewed by a bazooka. About the same time AOP reported 12 SP guns and 2 Tigers moving E towards us. These sorted out 5 DG later in day. At about 1630 hrs orders were received to firm base with 2 Devons atHarpstedt.



Regiment again came under the command of 22 Armoured Brigade, and moved to concentration area at 8356.


Recce party sent over the river Weser to organise a new concentration area in Drakenberg. CO held conference to discuss admin details and to give orders for the coming advance to the river Elbe.


Regiment moved to Drakenberg, crossing the Weser at 12.30. as there had been an alteration in the Div plan for the forthcoming adv, the CO held a further conf for Sqn Ldrs.




CO attended a conference at Brigade where a slight modification was made to the plan owing to enemy opposition Rethem bridgehead.



;At 09.30 the Regiment moved off on the Red route, across the Aller at 12.00. We were ordered to move to Krochbuitzen 1872 to take over from the Greys (4th Armoured Brigade), who were to move to the north. We were then to clear the centre line as far as 201735, then to go on north on our own centre line. The bridge at 192725 was found blown and found guarded by small numbers of the enemy armed with long range bazookas.

The Regiment was then ordered to move around to the right to get onto the CL Order of march, C Sqn leading with B Sqn in sp. . Spasmodic opposition was met and Fulde 2176 was captured by C Sqn who moved on to capture Hunzingen 2579 by last light.

Dispositions for the night - C Sqn Hunzingen; B Sqn Fulde, with a troop at x-roads 239793. At 2150 hrs orders were received to move on at 0615 hrs the following morning along Red route as far as Soda and the N.



B Sqn were ordered to move through C Sqn and capture Jarlingen 2783. C Sqn were ordered to back them up. And large number of dead and PW were accounted fro en route but Jarlingen was found to be held and the bridges blown. B Sqn got a troop round to 275835 and on the Ahrsen 2784. C Sqn, meanwhile, built a fascine over ther iver at 274828 and got onto road junction at 276891..

As they did this, Recce Tp found that a small wooden bridge 270805 was intact and A Sqn was immediately pushed over. In one hour C Sqn was in Bommeloek 3084 and A Sqn at Kroge 3182 where they were told to remain firm and put one troop out to the outskirts of Dorfmark 8780. This they did successfully
B Sqn were told to take over from C Sqn who were directed to Freiligen 3388 and then if possible on to Wiedingen 3891. Many PW were taken as a result of this manoeuvre.

Posns for the night - RHQ at Freilingen, B Sqn at 362893, A Sqn at 367903, C Sqn 390920.

At 1700 hrs the CO was ordered to continue with the adv the following morning at 0630 hrs. He decided to do this ‘two up’, A Sqn left, B Sqn right, directed on Schneverdingen 3704 and Welle 3818.


Grossen-Totshorn 3615, the advance went well, a large number of PW were taken at Sprengel 3498, Schulern 3600 and Schneverdingen. A Sqn were then directed to secure the bridge at 340106 and hold firm Wesseloh 3412. It was then decided to turn E and cut the road Soltau - Harburg at Wintermoor 4013 and x-roads at 414083 with A and C Sqns respectively. B Sqn to remain firm at Wesseloh. Slight opposition was met from bazookas which when cleared up enabled C Sqn to continue toWelle.

At 382175 there was a road block covered by bazookas. As the light was failing and Welle was obviously held, it was decided to pull A Sqn back to Wintermoor for the night. Baghoep.450 PW, 45 MET.
Night posns A and C Sqns at Wintermoor, B Sqn at Wesseloh, RHQ and A1 Ech at Grossen Totshorn 3615. The CO received orders to continue the advance to Hamburg, this was to be done with "A" Squadron in the lead, backed up by "C" Squadron, "B" Squadron to continue to protect the left flank until released by Brigade.

Xrds 339201


At 0630 hrs, the advance continued, "A" Squadron right on the main centre line, "C" Squadron left with both Squadrons converging on Welle. By 0900 hrs the village was firm and recce patrols were sent out towards where much dust wasseen indicating that the enemy was withdrawing Nwards. (The recce patrols went out towards Otter 3418 and Handorf 4018). B Sqn were thenreleased by Bde.

"A" Squadron were ordered forward on the main road, little opposition was met until the head reached 377221, in the middle of the wood, when a tank in the middle of the column was hit by a bazooka fired from the top of a tree. The Squadron 2i/c Capt Cordy Simpson was killed. A 75 mm also opened fire on the Sqn. The CO appreciated that the wood was strongly held and ordered A Squadron to withdraw south from the close country.

By this time B Sqn had reached the x-roads at 339201 and had observed the bridge at 330211 being blown up by the enemy.

A Sqn was then ordered to block the road leadingS to Welle 382208 and B Sqn were ordered to push on through Todtglusingen - Trelde to the x-roads at 386277 with C Sqn backing them up. On arriving atTodtglusingen, B Sqn came under fire from SP gun at 334244 and 2 x 88 mm guns in the same area, which could not be observed. Fire was brought to bear on the enemy by both B and C Sqns but this proved to be ineffective. An artillery concentration was then brought to bear on the area and later Typhoons were sent in. The following morning the enemy had withdrawn.

Dispositions for the night sp by 2 Devons - RHQ and Recce Tp at x-roads 339201, B and C Sqns atTodtglusingen, A Sqn at 382208.



The same pace of advance continued during the day.

1900 RHQ moved to 423321 and A Sqn reached area 4332. Apparently unobserved enemy shelling during night, only occasionally fieldcalibre.




Reveille. A Sqn still protecting crossing of autobahn 4332. Leading tp astride bridge demolition.

0700Some sniping area of A Sqn’s forward troop.
0900Recce Tp reported Emsen 4134 cleared.
1100B Sqn moved to Emsen. C Sqn remained at Dibbersen 4232
1200RHQ and Recce Tp moved to Dangersen 4132. Enemy in small groups quitting woodsand surrendering themselves from time to time. 5 DG group passed through A Sqnto the N. Fwd Tp withdrawn to Dibbersen.



"C" Squadron departed for a job under command of 52 Division.


Enemy shelling apparently long range, probably mediumcalibre, on A Sqn area. One cas, slight. Communication from C Sqn poor despite set-ups, reported good progress with their job and successful achievement of task allotted.

Dispositions unaltered except for C Sqn E of Soltau 4190.

The only excitement during the day was provided by the l appearance of occasional FW 190, and ME 109 with dubious intent over the area. PW form continued..



Reveille. C Sqn still the only active component of the Regt. B Sqn took 2 PW who blundered into their area.

1115 C Sqn reported 5 and 8 Tps moving to posn 451903 clearing road block there. 6 and 7 Tps at 465943 had captured enemy HQ.Bagrep: (all C Sqns) - captured 1 armoured car,one half-track,1 x 50 mm gun, 9 assortedNebelwerfers, 45 PW. KOd - 1 armoured car,one half-track, 2 x 75 mm A/Tk guns, 2 x 50 mmA/Tk guns. PW camp at 508828 liberated. (PW Allied but not British.)
1200 OC A1 Ech sent civ female (German) to RHQ for interrogation. She told story of visit of 5 armed enemy soldiers night of 21/22 to her house at 407296 probably in search of food, stating they ahd expressed interest in locn of British troops. Precautions arranged where necessary.
1945 Order received by wireless,Regt ot move under command 160 Bde, soonest.

Regt, less echelons, moved to Heber 4200. Sqns sent under comd as follows:

A Sqn - 4 Bn Welch Regt in Soltau 4190.

B Sqn - 2 Bn Monmouthshires in Bispingen 5101.

C Sqn - remained under comd 6 Bn RWF (same Bde) and had reached Hotzingen 5093.

HEBER 4200



Portion of A Sqn soon moved off advancing E from Soltau to Harber 4690 thence SE.

0640RHQ, comprising 2 tanks and 2 Dingoes, accompanied Tac.160 Bde HQ (comprising nearly a mile of vehs at normalvtm) moving S to Soltau and the E behind 4 WR group. Bde task was to eliminate a pocket of enemy in general area between Bispingen and Munster 5890 and Wietzendorp 5982.

Regt released by Bde. Task was so near complete that need for the Regt had ceased as result of Regt’s part. Opposition had virtually collapsed and final PW bag was at least 1200.. Regtl Bagrep; (note PW sent back to inf Bde cage); enemy killed - 10; PW - 503; Guns KO’d (various calibres, mostly 50 and 75 mm PAK) - 10; armoured cars destroyed - 1; ½-track destroyed - 8; other vehicles destroyed - 10; other vehicles captured - 4; Nebelwerfers damaged - 7; other rocket projectors destroyed - 12.

The furthest points reached by sqns at time of recall - A Sqn at Meinholz 5185; B Sqn at Ilster 5592; Recce Tp proved ther oad Soltau -Bispingen,

1300 Regt moved back to Div Reserve in original locations in Dibbensen area as occupied on 22nd.
1500Local defence schemes practised.





1630 Brig 22 Armd Bde visited Regt and remained while GOC 7 Armd Div visited at 1700 hrs.




1930Recce Tp moved to area Jehrden 5185 to take over from Recce element 5 RTR.

HITFELD 496347



Reveille. Regiment passed to control of 131 Brigade.


Regiment moved to the area of Hittfeld 4984 to take over sector of frontage ringing Harburg at 4842 from 5th Tanks. Object to hold the front and patrol offensively, all in conjunction with 9 DLI., bit not to adv.

1130 RHQ established at 496347. B Sqn in same village, A Sqn 532347, C Sqn 482347.
1200Take-over complete. Enemy picture not known at this time.
1900 Bagrep from organised observed shooting - 20 enemy killed, 2PW.
2000Enemy a/c (fighter bombers) active over area. Activity continued til dusk became night. No damage, no casualties.



Reveille, stand-to.

0530ub units move to daylight forward positions.
0900"C" Squadron probed north to Fleestedt 5086 area. 5 PW taken allVolkesurm. One optimist of 60 carried prophylactic in wallet. Meanwhile, A Sqn took 3 morePW. "C" Squadron had one tank bazookaed, no casualties. This subsequently proved to be the last tank to KO'd in the Regiment during the Northwest Europe Campaign. Probably the last in the 7th Armoured Division.

One tp B Sqn plus 95 mm tank began adv to straffe Glusingen area 5137 in conjunction with platoon 9DLI.

Bagrep - 1 enemy killed, 9 PW. Recce Tp caught 5 PW.



Partial stand to.

0900 Two troops of "A" Squadron advanced to position of observation NE and ENE of Maschen 5335, and engaged occasionaltargets
1400 B Sqn operating in area Woxdorf 4837 and shooting at Beckeldorf 4838 and othertargets.'C" Squadron probing in the Fleestedt 5036 area.
1700Total PW for the day - 8. Estimated enemy killed by Regt - 15.



Partial standto

0600Reveille. Usual offensive patrolling activity during the day.
1930A psychological warfare carried out by Recce Troop S of Glusingen 5137 (Reportattached
2000 PW for the day - 3, include 1 female.



Partial stand-to.

0600Rreveille; offensive patrol activity thorugh out the day.
1130 A Sqn claimed one 88 mm gun damaged (This was removed by the enemy).
1800 PW for day - 7 include 1 officer.
1900 further psychological warfare broadcasts.F
War Diary of 1st Royal Tank Regimemt 1945 (2024)


What is the Royal Tank Regiment number 1? ›

The 1st Royal Tank Regiment (1 RTR) was an armoured regiment of the British Army. It is part of the Royal Tank Regiment, itself part of the Royal Armoured Corps and operationally under 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade. Cap badge of the Royal Tank Regiment. Warminster, Wiltshire.

What was the first tank regiment? ›

Forged in the heat of battle in WW1, the Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) is the oldest tank unit in the world. The Battle of Cambrai (1917) is commemorated by the RTR annually. It was in this fight the true potential of combined-arms manoeuvre was realised.

How old is the Royal Tank Regiment? ›

This British Army armoured regiment was formed in 1917. Since then, it has served in many campaigns around the world as part of the Royal Armoured Corps.

What is the motto of the Royal Tank Regiment? ›

They engage in close combat and shock action against enemy forces, living up to their motto: 'Fear Naught'.

Why does the Royal Tank Regiment wear black? ›

The black beret was chosen in WW1 as a peaked cap was unworkable when looking through sights/apertures from the inside of a tank, and the colour to hide the oil stains. The black coveralls where only wore on parades in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, but became standard dress in the 1950s.

What is the most famous tank battalion? ›

The 761st Tank Battalion

The African American 761st Tank Battalion, better known as the Black Panthers, arrived in Normandy, France in October 1944 and entered combat shorty after their landing. They would endure a record 183 straight days in combat and would liberate 30 towns on their crusade into Germany.

What happened to 1st Tank Battalion? ›

1st Tank Battalion was officially decommissioned on 21 May 2021 at a ceremony held at MCAGCC 29 Palms, CA.

What tank regiment is death or glory? ›

The Royal Lancers are an armoured cavalry regiment in 1 Deep Strike Reconnaissance Strike Brigade Combat Team. Its famous skull and crossbones cap badge, referred to as The Motto, is one of the most recognisable in the British Army and represents its motto: 'Death or Glory'.

How many soldiers are in a tank regiment? ›

An Armoured Regiment has around 45 to 50 tanks in all. Each Sabre Squadron consists of 14-15 tanks and one Armoured Recovery Vehicle. 3 tanks are assigned to the Headquarter Squadron, including that of the commandant. Each squadron consists of four troops, each consisting of 3 tanks.

How to find what regiment someone was in WWII? ›

One of the best places to start looking for Soldier Records are on Rolls of Honour. These are kept by many organisations including schools, universities and companies, and often show complete lists of servicemen and women that can include details such as rank, regiment and medal details.

What is the most respected regiment in the British Army? ›

Grenadier Guards Regiment

The Grenadier Guards is one of the oldest and most iconic regiments in the British Army. Whether they are fighting on the front line or guarding a Royal Palace, members of the Regiment are renowned for their determination, loyalty and grit.

What is 1 regiment? ›

1. : a military unit consisting usually of a number of battalions. 2. archaic : governmental rule. regiment.

What regiment is 1 Scots? ›

The 1st December 2021 saw the re-designation of 1 SCOTS to become 1st Battalion The Ranger Regiment (1 RANGER).

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